Who is in your “Community of Care”?
Being a spiritual director or companion is a calling that requires we care for ourselves, so we can be most beneficial to those we walk with as listening healers.
To do this work, we need a team of people who help us grow as spiritual directors and companions, and flourish in our practice.
Who’s on your Team?
Most spiritual directors would agree that we each need a spiritual director to walk with us on our own spiritual journey, and a supervisor or partner who will assist us in accountability to our practice. But our Team doesn’t have to end there.
Many of us work with professionals to help us with misalignments, traumas, and physical, mental, and physiological help. And as we value our own work as spiritual companions, we pay for this support because we value it in keeping us healthy. And by paying for service from those care providers, we help them to also flourish. Our “Community of Care” provides a reciprocal relationship in which we all can flourish in our work.
And…we all need cheerleaders! These are a partner or a friend who believe in us and cheer us, lift us up when we’re feeling down, and inspire us to continue on.
We invite you to make a list – who is on your Team? Who are the people who make up your “Community of Care”? And, do you sense that you might need to add to your Team? In these slides we’ve made a short list of possibilities. Do any of these resonate with you? Are there others not included here? Let us know in the comments!
We’re talking about Communities of Care, The Flourishing of our Spiritual Direction and Companionship Money, Tuning Up Our Online Profiles, and much more in the 2-part Spiritual Direction Tune-Up Webinar. If you would like to find new inspiration for your practice, receive some positive vibes, feel more in the flow in your work. We’ve designed it to be a pick-me-up for any spiritual companions who want to be encouraged, inspired, walk away with a few things to try, and feel a renewed sense of purpose and intention in their deep listening, companioning work. All for under $50! Learn more and access all webinar content now.