Engage 2022 - Participant Survey

Thank you for participating in the 2022 Engage Conference – our first hybrid conference – in Santa Fe, New Mexico, or virtually.

Your experience and feedback helps SDI create educational events that meet your needs. We have made many changes and adjustments in recent years in response to your feedback.

You will find several mini-evaluations contained within this evaluation, since some people participate in everything and some only participate in the conference. If you did not participate in one of the programs, simply choose “no” when asked if you participated.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for participants. You can request a participation certificate by contacting [email protected].

Thank you for helping SDI celebrate what is working and make improvements where they’re needed. Thank you for savoring what is, was, and will be.

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1Personal Info
2Your Hybrid Experience
3Institutes and Working Lunches
4Keynote Presentations
What is your age bracket?
Where did you travel from to participate in the SDI Conference?
What is your primary spiritual tradition or orientation?
How many SDI conferences have you attended, PRIOR to this one?
May we include your comments in SDI materials (this could be our website, on social media, and other channels)?
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As a free gift for signing up for SDI’s updates, we are offering you a 59-page eBook filled with contemplative wisdom!

Please use it as you wish: 

  • for inspiration on your spiritual journey
  • for the delight of finding wisdom that you can feel in body, mind and spirit 
  • for a moment of reflection 
  • as a token of our deep respect for who you are and your contribution to our movement