El Equipo SDI

Director Ejecutivo

Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS

El Reverendo Seifu es Director Ejecutivo de SDI y sacerdote budista Zen ordenado, así como director/compañero espiritual practicante y orador motivacional. Es un veterano de numerosas iniciativas interreligiosas e inter-espirituales a lo largo de los años, incluyendo “Seeds of Compassion” (Semillas de Compasión) en Seattle en el 2008, donde fue uno de los presidentes, y como fundador y Director Ejecutivo de “Compassionate Action Network”. Tiene un Máster en estudios teológicos de la Universidad de Harvard. El Reverendo Seifu es orador y conferencista universitario y colaborador clave con la Fundación Nacional de Becas Woodrow Wilson. En su vida anterior, también fue ejecutivo de Microsoft, donde cultivó exitosamente grupos y divisiones internacionales y proporcionó liderazgo a equipos multi-culturales en todo el mundo.

El Reverendo Seifu es orador y conferencista universitario y colaborador clave con la Fundación Nacional de Becas Woodrow Wilson. En su vida anterior, también fue ejecutivo de Microsoft, donde cultivó exitosamente grupos y divisiones internacionales y proporcionó liderazgo a equipos multi-culturales en todo el mundo.

Operations Manager

Marisa Sterling

Marisa is the Membership Services Coordinator at SDI. She supports SDI’s members worldwide with efficiency and dedication. She has a degree in Environmental Studies. She loves to help people get their questions answered and enjoys being a part of the SDI team. In addition to her role here, Marisa is working on attaining her commercial pilot license.

Director, Programs & Business Development

Amrutham Babu

Amrutham is an experienced marketing manager with over 8 years as product marketing specialist and digital strategist. With a Bachelor of Science degree and an MBA from India’s esteemed Amrita University, she has a strong background in data analytics and design software. Her areas of expertise include: Developing marketing strategy; Digital & social media marketing; Campaign management; Creative writing; Graphic Design. She is also a service corps member at 501 Commons and has helped several nonprofits in Washington to design and execute their marketing goals. She believes in the higher purpose and is constantly working towards it. She’s excited to use her professional knowledge and experience to support the SDI community in a meaningful way.

Director Creativo

Matt Whitney

Matt (he/his/him) is a multidisciplinary artist and educator and has been with SDI since 2018. Besides overseeing the visual communications for SDI, he is also a trained spiritual director and meditation facilitator, and you’ll find him giving presentations and facilitating workshops across SDI’s programs. Before joining SDI, he taught studio art and visual culture courses for Northwest University, Seattle Central College, and Seattle Pacific University. He is an avid backpacker and pedestrian, and his studio art weaves between the spiritual practice of pilgrimage and the concept of the French flâneur. He lives with his family in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Creative Services & Technical Coordinator

Ann Lancaster

Ann (she/her) grew up surrounded by spirituality and nature on an organic dairy farm in rural Wisconsin. She manifested a career in the tech industry after her graphic design studies took her from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh to her new home in Seattle, where she spent years working as a contractor for companies such as Microsoft and Google. When not immersed in front of a computer screen creating websites or playing video games, she can often be found at various concert venues throughout the world, basking in the beauty of live music. Ann is also a certified Reiki Master with dreams of working as a life coach for those experiencing challenging spiritual awakenings. She brings a potent blend of open-minded wonder and down-to-earth practicality to the design challenges at SDI.

Membership Services Manager

Ryan Hinson

Ryan (he/him) brings his skill and patience as a technology literacy professional to the Membership Services team. He has two decades of experience in online teaching, educational writing, tutoring, and tech support, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Outside of this professional role, Ryan enjoys growing hot peppers and native fruits, foraging, cooking, and playing video games.

Operations Assistant

Alizabeth Rasmussen

Alizabeth es una directora espiritual que aporta sabiduría, corazón y eficiencia a su papel a tiempo parcial ayudando a Marisa Carpenter con la importante tarea de apoyar a nuestra comunidad SDI, especialmente a nuestros miembros en 42 países de todo el mundo. Alizabeth también sirve como Facilitadora de Meditación, Facilitadora de Escritura y Facilitadora de Grupo de Accidentes Cerebrovasculares en Overlake Hospital en Bellevue, Washington, EE. UU.

Apoyo a los Afiliados, Publicidad

Reggie Dirnberger

Si quieres anunciarte en cualquiera de las publicaciones de SDI, Reggie es un recurso magnífico. Con años de experiencia en ventas publicitarias, abundante energía y una férrea determinación, domina magistralmente el arte de lo posible.

Presencia Media Review Editor

Pegge Erkeneff

Un autor y guía espiritual, Pegge vive en los parajes agrestes de Alaska. Fue la editora fundadora de Listen, y editó esa publicación durante diez años, además de asumir muchas otras responsabilidades en SDI a partir de 2004. Es actualmente la cuentacuentos en un distrito escolar que abarca 25.600 millas cuadradas, y en su tiempo libre toma miles de fotos en su iPhone, se hace amiga de criaturas salvajes, ofrece Reiki y curación por contacto, y le encanta reír. Su lugar favorito está en una playa, conversando con un amigo, un extraño, o con su pluma y diario.

Editora de Poesía

Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann

Jinks nació y creció en Sudáfrica, pero ha vivido con su amado esposo, su historiador del alma, en Canadá desde 1966. Es una psicoterapeuta jubilada, y es una directora espiritual, poeta y escritora. Tiene numerosas publicaciones, principalmente de poesía. Jinks estuvo en el Consejo de Coordinación de SDI del 2008 al 2014. La forma favorita de Jinks de prestar atención al Misterio, y buscar guía para las grandes y pequeñas cosas, es a través de los sueños, la lectura, y la escritura de poesía. Ella también estudia lo divino mientras transita por sus vida, ya que las pistas para despertar están ocultas en todas partes, a simple vista. Jinks tiene diecinueve nietos y nueve bisnietos, y contando.


Heather Gordon

Heather es la contable SDI, extraordinariamente eficiente, eficaz y directa.

Finance, CPA

Valerie Pickens

Valerie Pickens, CPA

Valerie tiene una profunda experiencia como CPA. Es una valiosa asesora de SDI.

Asistente de Afiliación

Judy Moi-Hoffman

With a background in HR administration and office management, Judy supports SDI’s member community.  Most recently she worked as a Ministry Administrator with a church in Redmond.  She has a BA in history.  When not engaged with SDI member questions, Judy enjoys planning her next road trip or home improvement project, and spending time with her two teen boys, husband, and labradoodle.

Editorial Coordinator

Seicho Sydney Roth

Seicho Sydney Roth is a Zen Buddhist practitioner in the Rinzai lineage. She is currently studying animal law at Lewis & Clark College, where she lives in Portland, Oregon. Her love of reading and writing once took her to teaching 6th grade, and is now manifesting as the editorial coordinator at SDI! Her other various passions and obsessions include her dog, Georgie, music, beach combing, cooking and eating, and tea.

Executive Consultant

Rory Briski

Rory (He/Him) is a seasoned executive with over 25 years of experience in management and consulting and brings a wealth of international expertise with key leadership roles in Sales & Marketing, Operations, Engineering and Executive Management. Rory has established himself as a thought leader in the fields of strategic planning and business development. He is also a best-selling author with several of his published books within the top 20 Amazon.com best seller lists. Rory is also an inventor with three issued US Patents. Rory is a frequent guest speaker and lecturer, and his perspectives have been featured in various newspaper, radio and television news reports on ABC, NBC, CBS, NWCN, KKNW, The Bellevue Business Journal, The Seattle Times, and others.

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