Nombre del autor:Rev. Seifu Singh-Molares

Rev. Seifu is the Executive Director of SDI and an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, as well as a practicing Spiritual Companion/Director/Guide/Counselor and motivational speaker.

New Mission Statement: “Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations”

Editor’s note: This message is from the SDI executive director on behalf of the SDI Coordinating Council. It is also published in this month’s edition of “Presence.” SDI Members can read this edition on-line here. Those who are not yet SDI members, can sign up here. By Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares At a just concluded […]

New Mission Statement: “Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations” Leer Más »

What is Spiritual Direction / Companionship? – A Dialogue between Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares and Eric Zimmer

Editor’s note: We are grateful to Eric Zimmer and his podcast – “The One You Feed” for giving us permission to share a transcript from a part of his session with Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares, executive director of SDI. Eric is himself a trained spiritual director as well as a behavior coach and a talented

What is Spiritual Direction / Companionship? – A Dialogue between Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares and Eric Zimmer Leer Más »

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