Call for Children’s Art


Ann Lancaster

SDI is seeking submissions for children’s art for our publication of an inspired spiritual journal for children, focusing on how they are companioned in their innate, powerful, and inspiring search for ultimate meaning.  

Every submission will receive a $20 store credit, with the ultimate prize being the publication of selected pieces in this inspired new book! Please encourage the young ones in your life to create images inspired by their experiences of God and the Beyond in whatever format they choose, allowing them to instinctively express what is in their hearts, minds and spirits.

Please fill out the form below, and select Children’s Art for Spiritual Journal in the publication dropdown.

Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.
Offer a paragraph (300 words max) about what you would like to write about, or what you'd like to discuss. Please explain in your paragraph why you believe it would be meaningful in the context of spiritual companionship.
If you'd like you can include your personal website, or a URL to something you've previously published.
Haz clic o arrastra archivos a este área para subirlos. Puedes subir hasta 3 archivos.
Feel free to upload your manuscript, summary statement, images, blog post, or article draft here.
Picture of Ann Lancaster

Ann Lancaster



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