
A Pilgrimage “More than I Could Have Dreamed” – Spain, Ignatius and the Sunflower

Editor’s Note: Darlene Carlson sent us this account of her experience on the SDI Journey to Spain (May 11-20, 2022). She wrote with the prayer that such pilgrimages “continue for more pilgrims.” You may learn more about SDI’s next pilgrimage to Spain, July 24-August 3, 2022, here. It follows the path and will have the […]

A Pilgrimage “More than I Could Have Dreamed” – Spain, Ignatius and the Sunflower Leer Más »

Speaking the Elements of a Dream – Spiritual Companionship & Dreamwork

By Haviva Ner-David I am the officiating rabbi at a ceremony at the ritual immersion pool that I founded and where I officiate ceremony and run workshops: Shmaya: A Mikveh for Mind, Body and Soul. Today I am officiating a conversion of a baby, long-awaited and born to a surrogate non-Jewish mother. The parents want

Speaking the Elements of a Dream – Spiritual Companionship & Dreamwork Leer Más »

Listening to the Stranger – A Radical Proposal to End Divisiveness

In our schools and in our homes, let’s teach our children how to listen and converse with new people to make them feel welcome. Let’s teach our kids how to ask others for their stories and how to receive them warmly and nonjudgmentally. Let’s start a paradigm where all new relationships seek the compassionate knowledge

Listening to the Stranger – A Radical Proposal to End Divisiveness Leer Más »

What is Spiritual Direction / Companionship? – A Dialogue between Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares and Eric Zimmer

Editor’s note: We are grateful to Eric Zimmer and his podcast – “The One You Feed” for giving us permission to share a transcript from a part of his session with Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares, executive director of SDI. Eric is himself a trained spiritual director as well as a behavior coach and a talented

What is Spiritual Direction / Companionship? – A Dialogue between Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares and Eric Zimmer Leer Más »

Why Spiritual Direction? An Open Letter to Anyone Curious about Spiritual Companionship

When I was a freshman at university, I felt deep-down that learning itself was a calling. But my ego refused to accept this and pushed me to use learning as a lever to achieve other objectives that were easier to equate with recognition and money. It has taken me this long – I’m now 62

Why Spiritual Direction? An Open Letter to Anyone Curious about Spiritual Companionship Leer Más »

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