SDI Communities

What is an SDI Community?

It’s an SDI-sponsored, locally-run group of spiritual companions. These people gather either regionally, or based on a shared commonality, on a regular basis to connect, support one another, network, share contemplative time and practice new skills in spiritual care. An SDI Community can operate anywhere in the world.

Let us know if you’d be interested in joining an SDI Community and we will connect you. You can email our Communities Coordinator, Maïa Warren, here: [email protected]

If you want to learn more about our program, please click here to read a 2-page downloadable description of our program.
Current SDI Communities are listed below. If you are interested in starting a group, let us know!

Established SDI Communities

Special Interest Groups

Local Regional Communites

Upcoming SDI Community Events

Propose an SDI Community Event

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Examples: links to your LinkedIn Profile, Youtube videos, podcast interview, published article.
Haz clic o arrastra un archivo a este área para subirlo.
If you have any existing documents to support your proposal, please upload them here.

SDI Communities Coordinators

Amrutham Babu

Amrutham Babu is an experienced marketing manager with over 8 years as product marketing specialist and digital strategist. With a Bachelor of Science degree and an MBA from India’s esteemed Amrita University, she has a strong background in data analytics and design software. Her areas of expertise include: Developing marketing strategy; Digital & social media marketing; Campaign management; Creative writing; Graphic Design. She is also a service corps member at 501 Commons and has helped several nonprofits in Washington to design and execute their marketing goals. She believes in the higher purpose and is constantly working towards it. She’s excited to use her professional knowledge and experience to support the SDI community in a meaningful way.

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