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Opening to God’s Living Presence- The Interspiritual Invitation of Centering Prayer

Fecha: agosto 12, 2024

Hora: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm PDT

Categorías del Evento: ,

agosto 12, 2024 @ 12:00 pm 12:45 pm PDT

Welcome to this free session on “Opening to God’s Living Presence – The Interspiritual Invitation of Centering Prayer.” In this session, we’ll explore the importance of understanding God as both the origin and destination of our spiritual journeys. As spiritual companions, our mission is to walk alongside individuals on their unique paths, guiding them to recognize this essential truth. We will explore the practice of Centering Prayer, a contemplative tradition rooted in Christianity but embraced by people of diverse faiths and spiritual backgrounds. Centering Prayer fosters a deep, contemplative awareness and unites us across our differences by encouraging radical openness to God’s living presence within us—a presence closer than our breath, beyond all concepts. Join us as we open our minds and hearts to the God of all, nurturing unity in our shared humanity and Source.

About Keith Kristich

Keith Kristich is a writer and retreat leader bringing an interspiritual approach to spiritual teaching, integrating wisdom from various contemplative traditions while highlighting the often-forgotten mystical teachings of Christianity. Keith is a commissioned Presenter of Centering prayer through Contemplative Outreach, trained with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Leading contemplative prayer groups and retreats, and a teacher of meditation and the Enneagram. Keith Kristich is the founder of Closer Than Breath, an online interspiritual community dedicated to the teaching and practice of contemplative prayer.

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