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SDI BIPOC Gathering – April 2024

Fecha: abril 23

Hora: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm PDT

Categorías del Evento: , ,

abril 23 @ 1:00 pm 2:30 pm PDT

Join us on April 23rd at 1p.m. PT! Our remarkable presenter, Rev. Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., is going to help us “Listen Around the Circle” through a BIPOC lens.

In a time of great division, polarizing communication, and constant “othering,” Reverend Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., draws from her training and experience as a professional mediator, pastoral counselor, and contemplative Enneagram professional to consider how we can listen more deeply around differences in a way that not only builds unity in the outer sphere, but greater wholeness, and even intimacy, within.

In this month’s 1.5-hr, interactive gathering, Reverend Nhien will be using the Enneagram as a map of consciousness to guide us through a journey of “sitting in the seat” of other personality type lenses (based on the Enneagram map of consciousness). Through noticing how we listen through a lens, and how we receive the words of certain other personality-based lenses “around the circle” of the Enneagram, we can come to a better understanding of what our triggers are, and how to be present to them. A great perspective for us BIPOC spiritual directors and companions to consider!

Registration is closed for this event.

About Rev. Nhien Vuong:

Reverend Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., (she/her/hers) is an international Enneagram thought leader, keynote presenter, and retreat facilitator who spiritually companions individuals around the globe using a compassion-based, contemplative approach to the Enneagram. A former Stanford-trained attorney, Nhien left the law to support the evolution of consciousness. An ordained Unity minister, Nhien has been studying the Enneagram since 2002 and teaching it since 2006. She is a Certified Enneagram Teacher, Accredited Enneagram Professional, and the Founder of Evolving Enneagram, a community-based business whose interdisciplinary team of Enneagram professionals offers interspiritual programming to seed and sustain our collective awakening. A Vietnamese refugee living in the United States, Nhien is passionate about a world in which everyone belongs. She regularly offers scholarships for her programs and volunteers to teach the Enneagram to recovery groups, non-profits, and the incarcerated. Nhien is the upcoming author of Enneagram of Soul, a 40-day contemplative Enneagram companion guide to living a more authentic, inspired, and soulful life, scheduled to be published by Hampton Roads in 2025.

If you have further questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you can use the ‘Chat’ option in the lower-right corner of our website.

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