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SDI LGBTQ+ Gathering March 2024

Fecha: marzo 20, 2024

Hora: 9:00 am - 10:15 am PDT

Categorías del Evento: , ,

marzo 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am 10:15 am PDT

This is a space for LGBTQIA+ spiritual directors and companions to gather and connect.

Registration is closed for this event.

Brave Blessings!

In this session we will explore how we, as LGBTQIA individuals and communities have experienced “blessings” in our lives, and how our spiritual practices have opened us up to meaningful healing, growth and aliveness. We will examine how such blessings are not bound by space and time and are both individual and collective experiences.  Together, we will explore how we have experienced blessings in the past and how they are present today. We will also dance with what role(s) blessing might play within spiritual companionship to enrich/reclaim connections to the Sacred, to strengthen and transform us to bravely face the issues/opportunities we and our companions are facing in our troubled world.


Ravi Verma is a spiritual director and has worked professionally with churches and lay leaders for over twenty-five years. Ravi’s passion is to work with individuals and groups to build bridges between parts of ourselves, with others and the cosmos based on our connection to the Divine. Ravi, born in India, now teaches at Stillpoint, and works with corporations, retreat centers, and non-profits on issues of spiritual development.  Ravi is a past Chair of the Coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International.

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