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octubre 25, 2023 @ 1:00 pm 2:30 pm PDT

This is a space for LGBTQIA+ spiritual directors and companions to gather and connect.

In this Session, Elizabeth Ann Terry, a Religious Educator with the Unitarian Universalist Association uses a story about the colors of the Rainbow flag to invite us to reflect about that story, about returning to true selves and journeying with others to their true glorious selves.

About the Presenter:

Elizabeth Ann Terry is fascinated by the power of religious institutions to have meaningful impacts on their communities. She has been a witness to congregations who apply the principles of Asset-Based Community Development and Appreciative Inquiry to move their congregations and communities into bright and purposeful futures. Her work with religious institutions frames her spiritual accompaniment and religious education work with children and adults.  She believes that we all have the potential to move into a bright future.

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