Free Gathering – A Weaving of Ancestral and Earth-Honoring Wisdom

Join kinfolk Elsa and Tamira for an open dialogue centering ancestral connection and relationship as an internal and community resource. They will share threads of how their ancestral connections have supported them in building authentic relationships with other sentient beings while also co-weaving in their experiences of learning to stay open and available to deep learning, […]

The Divine Garden of Rumi – A Free One-Hour Session with Imam Jamal Rahman

Join us for a free one-hour session with Imam Jamal Rahman, for practice, discussion, and Q&A on SDI's upcoming webinar, The Fragrance of the Beloved - Entering the Divine Garden with Rumi. This one-hour session will offer a taste of what's to come in our four-part webinar starting July 8 - an expansive spiritual journey […]

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