
Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Companionship – Awakening the Creative Spirit

In this SDI webinar series, you are invited to engage with the arts as a threshold for holy encounter and to practice listening to the stirrings that unfold in expressive realms.  Step into the unknown and see what emerges! Through this online experiential retreat, explore your own creative journey while also building skills for tending to […]

Online Group Spiritual Companionship

Facilitator: Fran FrancisThis is a members-only benefit. Please log in to register. Join us for group spiritual direction with some of SDI’s most experienced spiritual companions… This is free for SDI members, an added value benefit of being part of the global movement for spiritual companionship…. This session features Fran Francis, M. Min, from Auckland, […]

The Divine Garden of Rumi – A Free One-Hour Session with Imam Jamal Rahman

Join us for a free one-hour session with Imam Jamal Rahman, for practice, discussion, and Q&A on SDI's upcoming webinar, The Fragrance of the Beloved - Entering the Divine Garden with Rumi. This one-hour session will offer a taste of what's to come in our four-part webinar starting July 8 - an expansive spiritual journey […]

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