The Divine Garden of Rumi – A Free One-Hour Session with Imam Jamal Rahman

Join us for a free one-hour session with Imam Jamal Rahman, for practice, discussion, and Q&A on SDI's upcoming webinar, The Fragrance of the Beloved - Entering the Divine Garden with Rumi. This one-hour session will offer a taste of what's to come in our four-part webinar starting July 8 - an expansive spiritual journey […]

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Interspiritual Companioning and Perspectives

Join SDI for a one-month webinar exploration on InterSpiritual Companioning and Practices” – We will come together for practice and engagement with some of the great teachers of InterSpiritual Wisdom from across the world’s wisdom traditions. We will ask questions around the emerging interspiritual paradigms, and how to best be of service to those who […]

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