SDI BIPOC Gathering – November

Listening as Radical Act of HospitalityWe are delighted to welcome Jung Eun Sophia Park, SNJM, to lead our BIPOC gathering on Listening as a Radical Act of Hospitality. Listening is an act of hospitality in this global world, fully embracing the others regarding religion, culture, race, and gender. Any kind of border-crossing spiritual direction emerges […]

Preview Session – White Supremacy and White Privilege: Inner Work for Spiritual Directors and Companions

Join us for a transformative preview session of the upcoming webinar series, "White Supremacy and White Privilege: Inner Work for Spiritual Directors and Companions", starting in February 2025. Hosted by the esteemed Rev. Jane Vennard, this series offers a profound opportunity to explore the critical work of addressing white supremacy and privilege within the context of […]

SDI Educators Gathering

Join us on January 22nd, 2025, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PST for the Spiritual Director Formation Program Leaders and Spiritual Companion Mentors Gathering. Presenters Nan Weir and Leonard McMahon will join us to share their insights and foster meaningful discussions to support our work in spiritual direction and companionship.During this time of dramatic change in […]

SDI BIPOC Gathering – January 29th

Join us for the next BIPOC Gathering on January 29th, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time, featuring the amazing Cynthia Bailey Manns as our presenter. This special session is designed for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color and wish to connect with fellow BIPOC spiritual directors and companions.Cynthia will guide […]


SDI Global Outreach Session

Expanding Horizons in Spiritual Direction and Companionship in Times of Adversity February 20, 2025 @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM PSTCanada (Eastern Time - ET): 12:00 PM – 1:30 PMNew Zealand (NZDT): 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM (February 21)London (GMT): 5:00 PM – 6:30 PMKenya (EAT): 8:00 PM – 9:30 PMFind your local time zone.

February 2025 LGBTQIA+ Gathering

This one hour session is for those that identify as This session is for those that identify as LGBTQIA+, including nonbinary, gender fluid, genderqueer, bi-gender, and agender spiritual directors and spiritual companions who would like to connect with other LGBTQIA+ spiritual directors and spiritual companions..(Please note this meeting is intended for those who identify as


Group Spiritual Companionship Session

Experience the power of collective wisdom in our Group Spiritual Companionship Session. This unique gathering creates a sacred space for deep listening, shared reflections, and mutual support as we journey together in spiritual exploration. Through meaningful dialogue and diverse perspectives, you are invited to connect, grow, and discover new insights in a nurturing and inclusive


Making a Living as a Spiritual Companion: Cultivating and Aligning Our Money, Purpose, and Well-Being

In the lineage of our Making a Living as a Spiritual Companion series, this newly designed course represents an evolution. While past offerings have explored various ways to achieve success, we recognize that success is measured in many forms—not just financial gain. This course focuses on flourishing holistically, encouraging the growth of each participant through community building, the sharing of wisdom, […]

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