Free Meditation Session with Sean Tetsudo Murphy

Join us for a free meditation together over Zoom with Sean Tetsudo Murphy, who will also guiding our four-part series on Wednesdays. In this session, we'll receive some guidance, sit together in contemplation, and have a little time for Q&A. Use the RSVP form below to receive the Zoom link and instructions. If you are […]

Free Meditation Session with Sean Tetsudo Murphy

Join us for a free meditation together over Zoom with Sean Tetsudo Murphy, who will also guiding our four-part series on Wednesdays. In this session, we'll receive some guidance, sit together in contemplation, and have a little time for Q&A. Use the RSVP form below to receive the Zoom link and instructions. If you are […]

SDI LGBTQ+ Gathering July 2024

This is a space for LGBTQIA+ spiritual directors and companions to gather and connect. Nature Companionship and Conversation In this session, we will have a brief overview of Nature Companionship, go outside or near a window to nurture relationship and reciprocity with the more-than-human world, and discuss queer connection to each other and the natural

Free Meditation Session with Sean Tetsudo Murphy

Join us for a free meditation together over Zoom with Sean Tetsudo Murphy on July 22 at 8 a.m. Pacific. In this session, we'll receive some guidance, sit together in contemplation, and have a little time for Q&A. Use the RSVP form below to receive the Zoom link and instructions. He is also leading an

Preview Session – Spiritual Companionship Through Queer Lenses

In this session, hear from some of the presenters of our upcoming four-part series, Beyond Binaries: Spiritual Companionship Through Queer Lenses. We'll outline some of our hopes for the series, why this is an open dialogue open to both queer and straight folks, and have some time for Q&A. All are welcome! Get the Zoom


Beyond Binaries: Spiritual Companionship Through Queer Lenses

Experience stories of spiritual companionship, presented by a diverse group of queer Mystics, who approach their work as spiritual companions through diverse and open-hearted containers. All spiritual directors, companions, and wayfarers are encouraged to participate, walking any straight, queer, or otherwise crooked path to Wholeness.

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