“I Am a Spiritual Midwife”


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I am a spiritual midwife: I listen to your words and your body. I ask God to bring me images, sounds, smells and memories of what you are experiencing beyond your spoken words.

I listen even more deeply for the responses that would be most helpful, most healing in the moment. I trust my intuition and the messages I hear.  I honor what comes to me and consider it carefully.  It might be a deep sacred silence, a touch, looking away, inviting prayer, breathing with, singing a song, offering a blessing, inquiring for more, writing your experience as I hear it as your poem/prayer, listening for or inviting an image from the mundane to the divine, or asking for more information…There is no formula.

I am a spiritual midwife.  We co-create rituals that help you deepen and honor the turning moments in your life.  We explore together where you are turning towards that which opens you to something new, or away from something that you no longer need.  Whether it be a child, animal, house, body, moment, or whether it be a separation, a death, a transformation. We honor, celebrate, grieve, deepen.

I am a spiritual midwife, I help you remember your own wisdom, traditions, music.  I help you remember your own poetry, your own words, your own hope.  Your breath.  I help you remember when remembering feels impossible.

I am a spiritual midwife.  We do this all in the name of Healing. Thank you for allowing me to join you during this precious time.

Chaya Gusfield

Rabbi Chaya Gusfield is a spiritual director, board-certified chaplain and teacher. She was ordained as a rabbi in 2006 through the Aleph Rabbinic Program and she completed her training as a spiritual director in 2001 through the Mercy Center in Burlingame. She currently serves as a palliative care chaplain at Kaiser Richmond and Oakland. Rabbi Gusfield teaches Torah and leads spiritual direction groups using a variety of modalities including using writing for deep reflection and sharing. She works closely with Buddhist teacher Eve Decker offering healing services and workshops.  You can find Rabbi Gusfield’s writings on her blog at https://chayasgarden.wordpress.com/.

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