Let’s Meet the Moment as Bold and Creative Spiritual Directors and Companions


Matt Whitney

Let’s imagine new possibilities, new frontiers, and new containers for helping others see themselves as they are – luminous and spiritual beings.

Last Friday, we launched registrations for a new webinar around a topic that stirs my imagination and quickens my heart – how we can ignite and unleash our practices of spiritual direction and companionship to the broader world. We’re calling it Meeting the Moment, and I hope you’ll join us in this creative conversation and discernment for five sessions beginning on September 27th.

As spiritual directors and companions, we’ve dedicated our lives and service to the awakening of all beings everywhere, including ourselves. However, the truth is there are still many barriers to helping others understand and desire to receive the benefits of spiritual companionship. How often do we encounter folks who haven’t heard of spiritual direction, or “don’t get it” as a practice?

As our friends at the Fetzer Institute have taught us, spirituality continues to be an increasing focus and concern for most folks. As our spiritual health, both individually and collectively, becomes an increasing part of our lexicon (in particular with younger generations), I see a ripening opportunity. How can we better midwife the awakening and transformation of all beings?

Are we ready to meet the needs of an exponentially increasing group of spiritual wayfarers, all walking a myriad of spiritual paths? We are overdue for a radical, transformative leap for our calling, and the assistance it can provide to the awakening and transformation of all beings. This call is upon us.

Are you ready to join this conversation? If so, let’s meet the moment together as bold and creative spiritual directors and companions.

Click aquí to go to our Registration page. Thank you for reading and for being a part of the SDI Community.

Picture of Matt Whitney

Matt Whitney

Matt is the Creative Director for SDI.



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