Lisa Palchick graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in painting, an MA in education, and an MA in communications from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Lisa is now a working artist and a spiritual director and is affiliated with the Spirituality Network, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Contact Lisa
Volume 27, Number 1
March 2021
We hope you enjoy this free issue of Presencia: Una Publicación Internacional sobre la Dirección Espiritual.
Presencia is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes thought-provoking articles on topics of interest to spiritual directors and everyone interested in creating healing, peace, and justice through the ministry and service of spiritual direction and companionship. Presencia also includes book reviews specifically of interest to people involved in spiritual care as well as reflections, artwork, and poetry.
Learn more about Presencia aquí y become a member of SDI for a full subscription to Presence, junto a muchos otros beneficios.
Nancy Flinchbaugh
Spiritual directors help me listen for God and reflect on my spiritual life. When I began a class with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation on leading contemplative small groups and retreats, the instructors recommended we participate in regular spiritual direction. I interviewed several graduates of the program and visited with one for two years. When she retired, I felt myself drawn to Loretta Farmer, another spiritual director trained by Shalem.
After a year of grieving for the losses from catastrophic fires in both Australia and California, mourning the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and so many other Black brothers and sisters, surviving the most contentious political season in my lifetime, and being required to spend most of my days sequestered in my 900-square-foot condo, I don’t have much capacity for more trauma.
More Articles
Cover Art Spotlight
"Altar to the Four Elements" — Lisa Palchick
Lisa Palchick graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in painting, an MA in education, and an MA in communications from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Lisa is now a working artist and a spiritual director and is affiliated with the Spirituality Network, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Contact Lisa at [email protected]
by John Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn, and Dennis Linn
Reviewed by Greg Richardson
by Kaitlin B. Curtice
Reviewed by Donna Erickson Couch
Bonus Reviews
A collection of media reviews exclusive to the web version of Presence
by Anneliese A. Singh
Reviewed by Kathryn Madden, rc
by Mia Birdsong
Reviewed by Karen Erlichman, DMin, LCSW
Publisher: Spiritual Directors International
Executive Director: Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS
Editor: Nick Wagner
Media Review Editor: Pegge Erkeneff
Art Editor: Matt Whitney
Web Designer: Ann Lancaster
Graphic Designer: Tobias Becker
Founding Editor: Susan S. Jorgensen, MA
Poetry Editor: Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann
Presencia: Una Publicación Internacional sobre la Dirección Espiritual is published in March, June, September, and December. Presencia offers a forum among diverse people and spiritual traditions for the exploration of present and future trends in the art and ministry of spiritual direction. Presencia is grounded in the belief that our deepest calling is to be present to one another as we share the gift of ourselves. Presencia strives to articulate the essential elements of contemplative practices, formation, and training; to encourage accountability; and to develop clear ethical guidelines. Presencia supports a global contemplative dialog of spiritual care and compassion for others, ourselves, and the whole cosmos. ISSN 1081-7662.
Opinions expressed in this journal are the opinions of the authors and advertisers and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the coordinating council, or the editors. All biblical quotations are from the NRSV unless otherwise noted.
SDI es el hogar del compañerismo espiritual
PO Box 3584
Bellevue, WA 98009