



September – 2022

In This Issue

— From Spiritual Direction: It's All About Relationships by Sr Joan Chittister



Cynthia Bailey Manns

I AM an embodied spirit – a spiritual being on a human journey and a human being on a spiritual journey, with both leading me to a deeper relationship with my God, my Sacred. This ongoing transformational journey allows me to witness the impact of how I live my journey on the lives of those with whom I interact.


Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS

We often speak of archetypes, as they pervade much of our literature, particularly in the context of our spiritual journeys as directors and companions. Carl Gustav Jung spoke of them explicitly, as did Joseph Campbell. And they did so because these archetypes are deeply embedded in our religious and spiritual consciousness.

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Adam Bucko

In this offering, I want to discuss spiritual practice and some of the essential components that we should be engaging with, especially in this time when the world is really falling apart, so it seems. Many of us are currently functioning outside of religious traditions, or any other traditions, and simply borrowing practices from different places, or mixing practices, and trying to figure out how to connect to that greater source of life, so that we might become instruments of that love that is the beating heart of all creation.

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by Helen LaKelley Hunt, Foreword by Cornel West

Reviewed by Kelly Murphy Mason

by Gregory Boyle

Reviewed by Teresa Blythe

by Gregory Boyle

Reviewed by Greg Richardson


Spiritual Directors International

Executive Director: 
Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS

Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS

Media Review Editor: 
Pegge Erkeneff

Art Editor:
Matt Whitney

Graphic Designer: 
Tobias Becker

Web Designer:
Ann Lancaster

Founding Editor: 
Susan S. Jorgensen, MA

Poetry Editor: 
Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann

Presencia: Una Publicación Internacional sobre la Dirección Espiritual is published in March, June, September, and December. Presencia offers a forum among diverse people and spiritual traditions for the exploration of present and future trends in the art and ministry of spiritual direction. Presencia is grounded in the belief that our deepest calling is to be present to one another as we share the gift of ourselves. Presencia strives to articulate the essential elements of contemplative practices, formation, and training; to encourage accountability; and to develop clear ethical guidelines. Presencia supports a global contemplative dialog of spiritual care and compassion for others, ourselves, and the whole cosmos. ISSN 1081-7662.

Opinions expressed in this journal are the opinions of the authors and advertisers and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the coordinating council, or the editors. All biblical quotations are from the NRSV unless otherwise noted.


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PO Box 3584
Bellevue, WA 98009

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