Wisdom of the Elders

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Delve into the timeless essence of spiritual guidance as we explore the profound teachings and experiences shared by wise elders. Read below for more details.

The Wisdom of the Elders

For Spiritual Directors and Companions


Jennifer "Jinks" Hoffmann

Dianne M. Daniels

Lucy Abbott Tucker

headshot of Julie Leavitt

Julie Leavitt

Brother Don Bisson, FMS

David Liedl


February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20 1:00-2:30PM Pacific |  4PM – 5:30PM Eastern


7.5 hours (total)


Webinar will be recorded.

Join us for this transformative exploration of eldering wisdom and discover how spiritual direction remains a vibrant and essential force across the changing tides of time. Let the lessons from wise elders motivate and illuminate your own spiritual journey.

Join us for an enriching and insightful journey in our 5-part webinar series, “Wisdom of the Elders for Spiritual Directors and Companions.” Delve into the timeless essence of spiritual guidance as we explore the profound teachings and experiences shared by wise elders. Discover how the practice of spiritual direction not only endures but thrives, replenishing and energizing both practitioners and those they guide.


“The capacity to hold and own the opposites and contradictions in life and in our psyches is fundamental to spiritual maturity and helps carve out more of our wholeness. In the course of a lifetime, an individual will encounter sparks within his or her own soul and in the world that only he or she can redeem. When we are in connection with the flow of divinity, we are more likely to have an ethical, moral orientation to life. We seem to notice beauty more frequently, and we are kinder in our relationships and even with ourselves. Yet there is always the war between good and evil in the psyche of humankind, and some say in the Divine.”

-Jennifer “Jinks” Hoffmann, The Light of God’s Shadow



Session I: Replenishing the Soul

Session II:The Spiritual Journey of the Very Elderly: Compassion for the Transition

Session III: Lessons from the Elders

Session IV: Sustaining the Practice

Session V: Nurturing the Next Generation

"A society grows great when old ones plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."

Greek Proverb



The webinar series will run 5 consecutive Wednesdays: February 21, 28, March 6, 13, and 20 –  1 PM Seattle/Los Angeles, 3 PM Chicago, 4 PM New York, 9 PM London; Thursdays: February 22, 29, March 7, 14, 2023: 4 AM Hong Kong, 6 AM Sydney, Australia.

Find your own local time here.

But if that timing doesn’t work, you can enjoy the webinar any time you like.

Each session is recorded so you can watch at your convenience.


Jinks Hoffmann poetry editor for Spiritual Directors International, was born in South Africa but has lived in Canada since 1966. Originally a Speech Therapist, Jinks is now a Spiritual Director and Psychotherapist. Jinks has had a book of poetry published (It’s All God, Anyway) and has had many poems published in books, journals and on-line. A devotee of waking up for over forty years, Jinks reads, writes, walks, works with her dreams, and pays attention to her daily messes and triumphs—ever in search of Mystery, all the while knowing that Mystery is searching for her. She is the author of “The Light of God’s Shadow – Musings, Stories, and Poems on Waking Up“, available now through SDI Press.

Dianne M. Daniels is an ordained Unitarian-Universalist Minister, Spiritual Director/Companion, and Course Creator with a passion for empowering and accompanying individuals to examine and explore their personal spiritual path, utilizing deep listening, discernment, and deep reflection. She is committed to helping people become more attentive regarding the presence of divinity/spirit/the sacred, noticing where it is most deeply felt, and assisting them in the quest for authenticity, meaning, love, and identity. She is or has been an IT professional, blogger, military spouse, parent, grandparent, great-great auntie, dog parent, student, old house lover, gardener, voracious reader, fan of technology, local government employee, advocate for civil rights/justice, and music lover.

headshot of Julie Leavitt

Julie Leavitt received the title of Doctor of Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in May, 2014. Her doctoral project was entitled, “Jewish Spiritual Direction and Embodied Spirituality.” She was awarded the Rabbi Samuel Cohen Prize in Jewish Studies.

Julie has taken her love of dance, creativity, and deep respect for people into a variety of directions. She has been a birth doula, helping deliver babies since 1989. She works as body-centered psychotherapist and spiritual director. She has taught dance/movement therapy in the Lesley University Graduate School since 1988 and has served as spiritual director with Ikvotecha at Hebrew College since 2006.

Lucy Abbott Tucker has been a member of SDI since its inception. She began her ministry of spiritual direction at the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Chicago. She worked there preparing women and men for the ministry for 32 years. Since 2015 she has been doing freelance work in spiritual direction and supervision. She believes spiritual direction has the power to help heal our world and values the opportunity to support spiritual directors in this work.

Brother Don Bisson, FMS is a spiritual director and is widely respected as a specialist in the training, formation and supervision of spiritual directors. A Marist brother based in Esopus, New York, he has graduate degrees in liturgy, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology, and earned his Doctor of Ministry at the Pacific School of Religion specializing in Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology. Brother Bisson is internationally recognized for his lectures, workshops, and retreats on the interrelationship of Christian spirituality and Jungian psychology.

David Liedl has had an active practice as a spiritual director since 1995. He has been privileged to serve in many capacities: retreat leader, educator, trainer of spiritual directors, and founder of the Center for Art and Contemplation. David was a Franciscan brother for 33 years. The first 11 years of that life were spent in a contemplative community in the South Bronx, New York, USA. He served on the Coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International for six years. After being dispensed from vows, David became a chaplain for a secured dementia-care unit and the Director of Pastoral Care for a large, Minnesota-based facility. In that capacity, he became a student again under the tutelage of those experiencing the spiritual transformation of cognitive change. David believes that people with dementia provide spiritual direction for anyone open to their wisdom. Currently he is an independent contractor providing respite care and supportive services for people living with dementia and their care partners. He is a musician, potter, poet, and artist.


"The only source of knowledge is experience."

Albert Einstein

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“The wisest mind has something yet to learn.”

– George Santayana


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