Spiritual Direction Supervision with Lucy Abbott Tucker – Spring 2025

Student Plan$299.00 $249.00
Standard Plan$299.00 $249.00
Enhanced Plan$299.00 $239.00
Premium Plan$299.00 $229.00

Join one of SDI’s most beloved wisdom teachers on a fresh, 8 week online exploration and celebration of the work of spiritual direction, and of the life of the spiritual director, through the teaching of the vital accountability practice of spiritual direction supervision.

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Spiritual Direction


A fresh 8-week series of growth and encouragement for all spiritual companions!


Lucy Abbott Tucker


Tuesdays: April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & May 6, 13, 20, 2025

9AM-11:00AM PDT
12PM-2:00PM EDT
Find your local time zone.


16 hours (total)


Course will be recorded.

We’re thrilled to offer a new iteration of our popular online Spiritual Direction Supervision course, led by esteemed teacher and SDI Founder Lucy Abbott Tucker and beginning April 1, 2025. Engaging in sessions with Lucy is always a joy—her enthusiasm and curiosity create a dynamic and enriching learning experience. Anyone who has gotten to know Lucy over the years knows that she is continually discovering new insights and approaches to teaching Spiritual Direction Supervision.

“Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”  I might translate this is the realization that I am never a perfect spiritual director and supervision is a tool that keeps me responsible to my own growth as a spiritual director.”

― Lucy Abbott Tucker, November 2021

This course explores essential aspects of supervision, including self-care, giving and receiving feedback, secondary trauma, and emerging models of supervision. Whether you’ve done supervision training before or are stepping into it for the first time, you will find immense growth, support, and care for your spiritual direction or companionship practice. Supervision is for all spiritual directors and spiritual companions, offering a space of reflection, accountability, and renewal.

Lucy has an unparalleled gift for honoring the deep roots of supervision while shaping its practice for today’s world. Join us to experience her wisdom in a fresh and transformative way. Details below!

What is Spiritual Direction Supervision?

To put it simply: Supervision explores the experiences of a spiritual director or companion, to support their care and growth in service of those they accompany. Supervision focuses on the spiritual director so they can better serve those they accompany, and their relationship with God, Allah, The Universe, or however one refers to the Ground of All Being.

Supervision is a contemplative, sacred process undertaken individually or in conversation among multiple spiritual directors. The process invites the spiritual director to take time to explore what is beneath the surface: to better understand oneself, to discover how best to accompany seekers, and to acknowledge how Spirit is present and active in the spiritual direction relationship.

The goal of supervision is to assist the spiritual director to become more supportive and skilled in accompanying others on their spiritual journeys.

The Importance of Accountability to One's Practice

Supervision supports the spiritual director through continued care and growth in vocation, calling, and skills as a spiritual director. Spiritual directors are people with personal gifts and challenges who are affected by their own feelings and experiences, as well as those they accompany.

Spiritual directors and companions are committed to ongoing education, self-care and spiritual care. In supervision, the spiritual director through continued care and growth in vocation, calling, and skills as a spiritual director or spiritual companion, and to explore the shape, depth and breadth of their work or ministry. 

Supervision is a relationship in which the director or companion can explore their growing edges, challenges and leadership skills. Some supervisors also support spiritual directors or spiritual companions with some of the practical and professional aspects of offering spiritual direction or companionship.

For a more thorough overview and examination of the ethics and aspects of the work of a spiritual director or companion, please see SDI’s Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.

What is Supervision? (Video)

Why is it important? (Video)

What People Say About Lucy's Supervision Series


Eight live weekly 2-hour courses, Tuesdays, 9am-11am Pacific (11am-1pm Central, 12pm-2pm Eastern) beginning April 1, 2024. Use this website to look up your specific date/time based on your time zone.

Students can participate live or watch at their convenience later.

Esquema del Curso

Stay tuned for an updated Outline for this Course!



16 CEU credits available.



Lucy Abbott Tucker

Lucy Abbott Tucker has been a member of SDI since its inception. She began her ministry of spiritual direction at the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Chicago. She worked there preparing women and men for the ministry for 32 years. Since 2015 she has been doing freelance work in spiritual direction and supervision. She believes spiritual direction has the power to help heal our world and values the opportunity to support spiritual directors in this work.


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