Can you hear it?
There in your heart.
A vibration.
A resonance.
A song.
It heralds a fresh start –
a greening, a blossoming, an awakening.
Be still:
Can you feel it brush gently past your skin –
like the first warm breeze of spring after the privations of winter?
It’s the invigorating whisper of hope –
an invitation to begin exploring again
after a season of suffering, darkness and seclusion.
Open your heart:
Imagine the transforming connection you feel when you connect with God or the Universe,
When you hold space for another human being’s self-discovery,
When you no longer feel separate from love.
That’s it.
The alignment. The knowing. The oneness.
That’s the inspiration for Renaissance 2021.
God, the soul You have given me is pure
Elohai neshama she-natata bi tehorah hi November 4th, 2024. I am anxious, in distress. The US election is tomorrow. Surely goodness will prevail. Surely? To make everything significantly worse, today is the fourth anniversary—the fourth yahrzeit—of the loss of our beloved son Eli, who died of liver disease, at 52. November 6th, 2024. Many are in a