Looking for Spiritual Community? What to expect at an SDI Conference.


Matt Whitney

The SDI Conference is more than just an event—it’s a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a global spiritual community that values deep listening, presence, and mutual support. Whether attending in person or virtually, you’ll find yourself surrounded by fellow seekers, all dedicated to exploring the many ways we can accompany one another on our spiritual journeys.If you are considering attending the SDI Conference in Niagara Falls this year? Or perhaps you’re interested in joining virtually but don’t know what it will be like. If you’ve never attended an SDI Conference before, we hope this short article will give you a sense of what to expect. What we hope for most of all is that over three days, attendees get a taste of a supportive and diverse spiritual community.

The specifics of an SDI Conference

The SDI Conference, spread over three days, is a place where spiritual companions from many spiritual traditions and orientations come together to share, reflect, and grow in a space that feels safe and sacred. This year’s conference is offered both in-person and virtually. The proceedings of the conference will be held at Niagara Falls Conference Center, with a livestream and Zoom interface for virtual access. So if you’ve done a webinar with SDI, it will behave very similarly.

We also utilize a virtual ‘hub’ called Whova, which all attendees have access to. Whova is a website or app on your smartphone that has access to a full calendar, opportunities to set up a personal profile and network with other attendees, and sign up for 1-1 spiritual companionship. You can also share photos and post on group conversation boards, which are always active with chats on spirituality, writing haiku, and connecting with others to collaborate. It’s a place to make new friends and re-acquaint with old ones! 

Our focus on spiritual direction and companionship

Spiritual direction is about helping others recognize the extraordinary in the ordinary, not through advice or instruction, but by offering compassionate companionship. At the SDI conference, we engage with experienced directors across traditions, gaining access to numerous tools, insights, and perspectives that undoubtedly deepen our practice. Whether seasoned practitioners or newly interested, we all walk away from workshops, keynotes, and shared experiences that much more wise, grounded, and interdependent.

Cultivating spiritual community for all attendees

For those who have attended before, it’s an annual reunion of kindred spirits; for newcomers, it can be a critical first step into a spacious and diverse community where we can learn, grow, and be restored. The SDI conference is not just a place for professional development—it’s a space for personal spiritual enrichment, where the sacred is woven into every conversation.

At every SDI Conference, you’ll find a vibrant gathering of spiritual directors and companions, those who have been doing this work for years, those who are in training, and those who are just curious about being on the spiritual journey and learning from others. The SDI Conference, ultimately, is a celebration of the divine presence in each of us. We gather because we share a boundless commitment to walking alongside others on their spiritual journeys.

spiritual companions at a conference, gathered around tables, arms around each other, experiencing spiritual community

Experience the spiritual community that manifests at an SDI Conference!

We hope we have piqued your interest! Through workshops, keynote sessions, and meaningful conversations, the SDI Conference fosters a sense of belonging in a spiritual community that transcends borders and traditions. Come learn more on our conference website. If your’re ready to register you can go here to attend in-person, or here to attend virtually. Please know that we are granting scholarships so do not let cost prevent you from attending! Go here to apply and the SDI Staff will respond and help you figure out how to make it so you can be a part of our 35th Anniversary of gathering spiritual companions from around the world!

Picture of Matt Whitney

Matt Whitney

Matt is the Creative Director for SDI.



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