Dear Community,
Spiritual Direction, Companionship, and Guidance come in many forms and incarnations, and one of the most compelling is Dance. In the first of several locals events for our SDI community around the world, we held an SDI Fundraiser with a classical Indian dance (Katha) performance in Seattle last weekend, with the astonishing Sreelakshmy Govardhanan, a master dancer and teacher.
Through a powerful, moving, and mesmerizing combination of storytelling and dancing, Sreelakshmy spoke of, and embodied, the union and interplay of the human and the divine, through its loving and shadowy manifestations. The very province of all of us spiritual directors and companions!
Alternatively warm, tender, ferocious and foreboding, and resolving into love and wisdom, Sreelakshmy took us on a joyful and tearful journey through the deep listening, witnessing, exploration, and discovery that are the hallmarks of our calling.
So, dear friends, our SDI community keeps growing and expanding. It is our hope and aspiration to hold an increasing number of these kinds of events, across faith traditions, spiritual orientations, and cultures, but always in line with our calling, throughout the SDI network in the near future.
Won’t you join our growing and vibrant community? Become a member, or extend or renew your current membership, by clicking here, and learn more about the many ways to participate in our beloved community!
With appreciation and respect for all of you,
Rev. SeiFu