Survey - SDI Webinar

SDI Webinar Survey
Thank you for participating in the recent SDI offering. SDI Webinars and Courses aim to create a meaningful learning experience for participants by engaging informative content in a contemplative environment. Your feedback will be used to improve future webinars and courses. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights with SDI.
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2. How did you learn about this offering?
3. If you were unable to participate, what was the reason?
Your response will help SDI prepare for future offerings.
May we include your comments in our promotional materials?
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  • para tu inspiración on your spiritual journey
  • para el placer de encontrar la sabiduría que se puede sentir en el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu 
  • para un momento de reflexión 
  • como muestra de nuestro profundo respeto por quién eres y tu contribución a nuestro movimiento