spiritual direction

Roz’s Corner – Group Spiritual Direction for Those in Recovery

“We all have ways in which we have fallen short of our promise. Persons who have the courage to face their challenges, in this case drug addiction, have both strength and vulnerability. Facing the latter and noticing the former – while in the company of others and experiencing the acceptance (and non-judgment) of those others […]

Roz’s Corner – Group Spiritual Direction for Those in Recovery Leer más »

Roz’s Corner – Group Spiritual Direction – Self-Care for Spiritual Caregivers

By Dr. Roslyn “Roz” Weiner QUESTION: I’m curious if you have noticed a connection between participation in one of your S.D. groups and one’s ability to sustain (and even thrive in) their ministry. In Christian circles, we see a concerning number of clergy leaving the ministry. I don’t know if Jewish communities are experiencing the

Roz’s Corner – Group Spiritual Direction – Self-Care for Spiritual Caregivers Leer más »

ROZ’S CORNER: A Monthly Q & A on Group Spiritual Direction

This is your chance to ask questions about the practice and process of group spiritual direction and get answers from respected author and spiritual director Dr. Roslyn “Roz” G. Weiner. SDI Press published Roslyn’s book Seeking in the Company of Others: The Wisdom of Group Spiritual Direction in late 2021. Soon afterward, Roz led an

ROZ’S CORNER: A Monthly Q & A on Group Spiritual Direction Leer más »

The Gift of Spiritual Direction – 38 Years with the Same Director and Still Going Strong

By Maryanne V. Tuite It was a warm June afternoon in 1984 as I arrived at the Brothers’ House of Prayer and rang the doorbell feeling a little nervous. All that dissipated once I met Brother Jack Mostyn.* His attentive demeanor was warm and welcoming, and he had a gentle-looking face that radiated kindness when

The Gift of Spiritual Direction – 38 Years with the Same Director and Still Going Strong Leer más »

New Mission Statement: “Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations”

Editor’s note: This message is from the SDI executive director on behalf of the SDI Coordinating Council. It is also published in this month’s edition of “Presence.” SDI Members can read this edition on-line here. Those who are not yet SDI members, can sign up here. By Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares At a just concluded

New Mission Statement: “Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations” Leer más »

How I Found the Calling of Deep Listening

Editor’s note – This heartfelt account comes from the Christian Catholic tradition. But the story of hearing the call to spiritual direction after being the beneficiary of deep listening is one that many spiritual directors and companions will appreciate. By Margaret Meisen When preparing for marriage, my husband-to-be and I heard a woman religious talk

How I Found the Calling of Deep Listening Leer más »

The Value of Peer Supervision in Spiritual Direction…and Warm Pie!

By Joan Alexander A peer can mean someone who is the same age or same social status as you, like a colleague or an associate. But to peer can also mean to look closely, with curiosity. Both of these definitions apply to Peer Supervision in Spiritual Direction. In this article I will talk about the

The Value of Peer Supervision in Spiritual Direction…and Warm Pie! Leer más »

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