Tending Our Hearts Together


Maïa Warren

Today we gather in the first of 2 sessions with Pam Winthrop Lauer and fellow spiritual directors of diverse political leanings to tend to our overwhelm, worry, anger, fear, excitement, and other feelings about the U.S. election.

Using the principles of Nonviolent Communication we will be guided through meditation, group participation exercises, and themed break-out rooms. In tending to some of our shared and complex feelings—including the idea that our most judgmental and fearful thoughts point directly to what matters most—we can apply the principle that this understanding, in turn, opens a doorway to empathy, self-compassion, and deepening connections, thus allowing us to move through our difficult emotions into mutual support and compassion.

By holding the second session on November 14th, after the election, an opportunity to share insights about strengthening trust and opening perspective, will allow us to meet our days in faith and with great love.

Pam Winthrop Lauer is a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication who facilitates NVC organizational trainings and workshops, provides NVC coaching to individuals and couples, and offers mediation services, Convergent Facilitation, and restorative circles for organizations and families. Pam is also a spiritual director and meets with individuals for soul tending and spiritual discernment sessions.

Free – Or Pay What You Can

We’re excited to offer this course on a sliding scale to make it accessible to everyone in our community. We encourage you to choose an amount at a level that feels right, which helps us continue offering these resources to all. Your presence matters more than payment!

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In kindness and care,

The SDI Team

Picture of Maïa Warren

Maïa Warren



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