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Caring for the Caregivers – Spiritual Companionship for Health Care and Hospice Workers

Date: February 26, 2021

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm PST

February 26, 2021 @ 2:00 pm 3:30 pm PST

2 PM Seattle | 4 PM Chicago | 5 PM NY | 10 PM London | (Feb. 27) 6 AM Hong Kong, Perth

==>> Scroll down to register ahead of time if you want to participate in small-group breakout sessions during the Town Hall. Otherwise, you can just watch the YouTube feed. Limited spaces for breakout groups. Put this on your calendar and register now.

Free Resource: Straight Talk from the Pandemic Front-line – How to Listen to Health Care Workers – Read Now

A Live SDI Town Hall Event – Free and Open to All

Right now, health care systems around the world are stretched to the limit. ​

Spiritual companions of all kinds have responded to the pandemic by bringing deep listening care to those who care for the ill, the dying and their loved ones. 

What works in such a demanding situation? What doesn’t? Is there a need for more deep listeners? What are best practices for spiritual directors, chaplains and other companions?

Inspired by suggestions from our members, SDI is offering a free town hall Friday February 26th, 2 PM Seattle time. Everyone is welcome. Panelists will make short presentations. There will be small group breakouts and time for question and response.

This town hall is recommended for all spiritual companions who offer listening care to health care and hospice workers. We also welcome all doctors, nurses and other staff to join us. If you are a spiritual companion interested in learning about offering service to this community, you are also most welcome.

This event will be streamed live on Youtube and can be joined at the time of the event by clicking the ‘Youtube Livestream’ buttons above.

Those who want to partake in the breakout sessions must register below. Note that this is a two-part registration process. Fill out the registration form below to receive the Zoom registration link in your e-mail (please check junk mail and spam filters if you don’t receive it). But only do so if you really intend to participate. We have space for only 200 on Zoom. Others who only wish to watch, may do so live here: https://www.sdicompanions.org/sdi-events/livestreams/ . If you can’t make it live, we will record the session and make it available on the SDI YouTube Channel.

Registration is closed for this event.


Amy Agape,PhD

Amy Agape, PhD, is devoted to contemplative companionship that is rooted in the wisdom of surrender. She is a spiritual director, a hospice chaplain and bereavement coordinator and accompanies persons during their final days. She offers support services to healthcare workers throughout the country as well as folks affected by chronic illness throughout the globe. A rare terminal illness has led her to the terrain of actively dying three separate times in her life. Throughout this journey, she has amassed gifts from diverse wisdom traditions, teachers, texts, and spiritual practices. Her doctoral dissertation weaves together these resources in a groundbreaking work on Thanatology and Theology, in which she assesses the place of death in our cultural lexicon while creating a model for conscious dying.  These offerings are shared through her organization, “Passings,” which was created to serve people experiencing any of life’s transitions.  During this pandemic, she is being called to utilize the gifts of her dying journeys to practice new ways of walking with individuals and organizations as she works to integrate contemplative companionship into the world of healthcare.

Dr. Saul Ebema

Dr. Saul Ebema is the president of the nonprofit Hospice Chaplaincy. Originally from South Sudan, Saul has 14 years of hospice ministry experience. He is passionate about spiritual care at the end of life. He is an obsessive end of life researcher and educator. He also co-hosts “The Hospice Chaplaincy Show” a podcast about the psycho-social and psycho-spiritual aspects of end-of-life care. Saul got his bachelor’s in Theology from the Baptist Convention College in Soweto South Africa. From there, he got a scholarship at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Illinois to study for his MDiv. After graduating his MDiv in 2008, he continued to get his Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2015.

Rev. Rebekah Wagner

Rev. Rebekah Wagner is the Director of Pastoral Care at the Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. She is doing doctoral research on spiritual companionship for nurses. She is a chaplain and spiritual director who has a passion for companioning others who seek to live an integrated life. Her specialty areas are walking with people through the “thin places” and times of transition.  Trusting in inner wisdom and the divine leading of the Spirit, she practices a companioning model of spiritual direction and chaplaincy.  In her free time, she loves connecting with the divine through hiking, kayaking and spending time with friends and family.

Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin

Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin serves as a staff educator, coach and on-call Muslim Chaplain at NYU Langone Health. She has established a solid record of commitment to education and faith-based organizations, serving in multiple leadership roles. Building upon her interests in her family history and social justice work, Khadijah’s work looks at the role family and faith history plays as identity and transformation models. Along with her experience in nonprofit governance, particularly with the Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society and the Association of Muslim Chaplains and in recognition of her works in intercultural dialogue and civic engagement she was appointed as an Ariane de Rothschild Fellow. Khadijah has an MS from Fordham University. She earned her D.Min. In 2012, from New York Theological Seminary, in Multi-faith ministry.  Khadijah serves in healthcare in organizational development and faculty at One Spirit.

Anna Killigrew, D. Min

Anna Killigrew, D. Min. is an experienced spiritual director and Anglican priest based in Western Australia. She sits with health care workers as part of her practice. She is skilled in Plant Propagation, Pastoral Theology, Pastoral Counseling, Christian Theology, and as a Retreat Leader. Strong community and social services professional with a D.Ministry focused in social justice from San Francisco Theological Seminary. She owns and operates the Koora Retreat Centre in Boorabbin National Park.

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