SDI Supervision Session with Lucy Abbott Tucker

Join one of SDI’s most beloved wisdom teachers and explore the work of spiritual direction, and its ongoing significance in our daily practice. All are welcome to join us for this FREE session with Lucy Abbott Tucker.

Spiritual Director Formation Program Leaders and Spiritual Companion Mentors Gathering

If you are part of a spiritual direction formation program or a guide or mentor to spiritual companions, we invite you to join us on February 15th for our SD formation program leaders/SC mentors gathering. We are thrilled to have Bruce Tallman as our presenter for this session. In spiritual direction, Bruce Tallman has worked […]

SDI BIPOC Gathering – February 2024

Essence and Enneagram There is increasing interest in using the Enneagram for Spiritual Direction. Whether a novice or expert in Enneagram studies, our time together will offer experiences of both type and Essence to understand more fully who we are and who we are not. Observing how easily Essence disappears, we discuss the Ego Ideal, […]

Forest Bathing 2024 – Nature Immersion and Deep Listening

Scroll down this page for more information! We are pleased to welcome all to join us as SDI returns to the woods of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. For spiritual directors, companions, wayfarers and explorers, we invite you to spend a week immersing in nature, breathing the clean forest air, finding silence and stillness, and experience deep listening on new levels.

If you missed our first Retreat, here is your opportunity to join us for this truly restful and transformative experience. If you previously attended, we are excited to again bring this offering to you. All are welcome!

Call our Office at 425-455-1565 if you’d like to set up a payment plan that fits your budget.

Group Spiritual Companionship – FREE for SDI Members – Roslyn G. Weiner

SDI is pleased to offer spiritual companionship to our SDI Members in an online group setting. Facilitated over Zoom with SDI Staff and experienced spiritual companions, these sessions invite you into a gentle pool of kindness, where you can share your story, be heard by compassionate listeners, and receive the experience of spiritual companionship in […]

New Perspectives on the Enneagram – Free Informative Session

Have you ever worked with “personality typing systems”, attempting to better understand yourself, and others? The Enneagram doesn't just label individuals, but delves into the underlying motivations, fears, and core desires we all carry. We comprehend a more holistic and nuanced understanding of ourselves, and others, thus fostering greater empathy, self-awareness, and personal growth. Always […]

Walking Together with Sarah Cledwyn

We come from goodness.  We are each born one more redeemer.  This is an essential knowing that we sometimes forget when we encounter a world filled with pain, suffering and heartbreak.  Join Sarah Cledwyn to explore the meeting of goodness, pain, and grace in service of healing and transformation.

SDI LGBTQ+ Gathering March 2024

This is a space for LGBTQIA+ spiritual directors and companions to gather and connect. Brave Blessings! In this session we will explore how we, as LGBTQIA individuals and communities have experienced “blessings” in our lives, and how our spiritual practices have opened us up to meaningful healing, growth and aliveness. We will examine how such blessings […]


Trauma and Belonging for Spiritual Directors and Companions

Building on the deep learning experiences of our previous Trauma and Wellness course, we invite you into the circle of dialogue of learning, healing, and service, as we confront together the profound traumas of our time. Join us in this transformative SDI Course, where you’ll draw from the wisdom of spiritual directors and companions across […]

The Celtic Gift of the Enneagram

Join us for a fascinating FREE 1-hr session with Robert Driver-Bishop. More people use Enneagram than belong to any faith community. This is an introduction to its ancient Celtic roots (thousands of years ago) and ways it still enables greater joy, generosity, and meaningful relationships. Get a sneak peek at related upcoming workshops. Rev. Dr. […]

Opening to Love: Decolonising Your Spiritual Direction Practice

The legacy of coloniality lingers, even within our most intimate spiritual spaces. For many, particularly people of colour and those of us on the African continent, Western spiritual values and practices can feel alienating to who we really are, perpetuating a sense of disconnection from our authentic experience of the Divine. Coloniality produces pain and […]

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