Ignatian Wisdom in Troubled Times – Free Recorded Session!


Matt Whitney

As we anticipate SDI’s upcoming 12-session course, New Perspectives on Ignatian Spiritual Direction, we are making available to everyone the first session of our 2022 webinar, Discernment in Troubled Times. You can view it right here on this page, just scroll down to find it and click the Play button.

This session, titled “Principles and Foundations”, is hosted by Nicholas Collura (one of our co-hosts for the New Perspectives course). The session explores the relevance of St. Ignatius and his spirituality at our own turning point in world history; we will consider trauma-informed adaptations to the practice of spiritual companionship with those who are struggling with, or responding to, difficult world events; and we will discuss how our personal traps, limitations, and ego fixations can be put into dialogue with our desire for the greatest possible spirit of service.

We hope you enjoy this free offering from SDI, and consider joining us for our 12-part series in which we will expand and deepen on these themes with an array of wise presenters across the spectrum of Ignatian-informed spiritual companionship. New Perspectives on Ignatian Spiritual Direction begins Tuesday July 18th 2023. All sessions are recorded so you can watch at your own convenience. We just released the Outline for the course which you can read below.

July 18 – Building a Learning Community: Where is Ignatian Spirituality Today? 

July 25 – Spiritual Grounding: The Contemporary Accessibility of the Spiritual Exercises (Lauren Schwer and Oliver Goodrich)

Aug 1 – “Shame and Confusion”: Themes from Ignatius’s First Week in Dialogue with bell books’s “All About Love” (Lauren Morton)

Aug 8 – A Clinical Perspective on the Grief Dynamics of the Third and Fourth Weeks (Edgardo Lugo) 

Aug 15 – Engaging in Cura Personalis, an Opportunity for Heart Work and Hard Work (Clarissa Aljentera)

Aug 22 – Consolation or Comfort?: Using the Rules of Discernment Responsibly in the Work of Anti-Racism (Marilyn Nash)

Aug 29 – A Conversation on the Queer Experience and Ignatian Spirituality (Elise Gower and Larry J. Morris III)

Sept 5 – Beyond the Individual: Communal Discernment (Jenene Francis) 

Sept 12 – The Examen and the Spiritually Connected Dad (Brian Anderson)

Sept 19 – Ignatian Spirituality and Young Adults (Stephanie Clouatre Davis)

Sept 26 – The Magis: Ignatian Spirituality for Leadership Development (Becky Eldredge)

Oct 3 – Ignatian Spirituality in Practice: A Conversation with the Ignatian Spirituality Project (Matthew Meyers and Guests)

Picture of Matt Whitney

Matt Whitney

Matt is the Creative Director for SDI.



3 thoughts on “Ignatian Wisdom in Troubled Times – Free Recorded Session!”

  1. Thomas Forlenza

    The Discernment in Troubled Times Session 1 gave some unique views on the life of Ignatius. For example, the Keltic influence on his life gives a different perspective. A good watch before starting this course. Tom

  2. Manuel Coimbra

    Hi! Thanks for providing this recording for free. A couple of notes: Ignatius did not recover in a convent but at his family home in Loyola. The reason for going to Manresa (Barcelona) was the desire to visit the place where Christ had lived. The Ignatius that started the journey was still a very arrogant and proud person but with a fantastic heart (he wanted to pray more, kneel longer, …. than any other saint had done before).This (Loyola-Manresa) is called the Ignatian Way (https://caminoignaciano.org/) and was really the conversion path with fenomenal experiences in Arantzazu, Lerida and Montserrat. Ignatius was not depressed in Manresa. The eleven months he spent there were for writing the first edition of the “Spiritual Exercises”, that he kept on revising throughout his live. He had unique spiritual experiences and an important role in helping and talking of God to poor people.
    The presentation of the “Principle and Foundation” is correct but there can be no Jesuit Discernment without the “Love, Praise, Serve God”. Discernment (self knowledge, internal motions) and living the Magis (more and better) is much more than Decision Making. Think there might be a real confusion here.
    Are we presenting “Ignatian Spirituality” or are we adapting it as a personal tool that will for sure lose its value?

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