After five years of study and three drafts, the Ethical Task Force of SDI completed their work. Their task was monumental: to write ethical guidelines for a community of spiritual companions/directors whose memberships span the globe, embracing a wide range of denominational affiliations, faith traditions, and theologies. The product of their prayer, reflection, and discernment is the booklet called the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.
SDI recognizes that cultural and environmental factors may require these guidelines to be contextualized for different types of spiritual direction experiences. SDI encourages individuals, formation and training programs, religious institutions, health care systems, spirituality centers, supervision circles and peer groups to review and re-appropriate these guidelines.
Spiritual direction is a service that helps people tell their sacred stories every day. To clarify the relationship between the spiritual companion/director and seeker, SDI recommends the use of ethical guidelines and the use an engagement agreement to clarify roles and responsibilities. Download a sample engagement agreement.
To make the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct more readily available for spiritual companions, SDI publishes it online and in print. Complimentary electronic downloads are available below. To order printed booklets, visit the SDI secure store.
Print brochures available for purchase.
SDI is making the HTML version of our Guidelines for Ethical Conduct available on our website at no cost. (Click on the image of the brochure to view it.) Consider purchasing print versions for your workplace, and support our work.
Guidelines for Ethical Conduct (English) (2018 Revision)
Ethical Guidelines Task Force
SDI is indebted to the following people who served on the original or revision Ethical Guidelines Task Force:
Lucy Abbott Tucker
Roman Catholic / Illinois, USA
Bill Creed, SJ
Roman Catholic / Illinois, USA / Ignatian Spirituality Project
Andrew Dreitcer, MDiv, PhD
Presbyterian / California, USA / Claremont School of Theology
Richard M. Gula, SS
Roman Catholic / California, USA / Franciscan School of Theology
Jennifer Hoffmann
Jewish / Ontario, Canada
Joyce McFarland
Episcopal / Minnesota, USA / Institute for Ecumenical and Social Research
Timothy E. O’Connell, PhD
Roman Catholic / Illinois, USA / Loyola University Chicago
Dorothy Whiston
Roman Catholic / Iowa, USA / Soul Friends Ecumenical Ministry
Download Links (PDF)
Teaching Notes
SDI believes that spiritual directors should be introduced to the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct as part of training and formation programs. To facilitate that process, Lucy Abbott Tucker, a member of the task force that created the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct, has prepared these tips for incorporating conversations about the Guidelines in training programs. Download the free teaching notes here.
국제영성지도자 모임이 제공하는 윤리가이드개정판은 영성지도자 개개인이 가지는 고유한 삶의 자리를 존중하고 배려하고 있다. 그래서 다른 지침서와는 다른 느낌을 준다. 마치 잘 우려낸 국물 처럼, 이 조그만 책자는 영성지도자가 추어야 하는 마음가짐과 기본적인 행동양식을 잘 설명하면서도, 다른 문화나 정황에서, 이 지침은 의미가 있는지를 살펴 상황에 맞게 적용할 것을 잊지 말라는 따스하고 깊은 지혜를 이야기하고 있다.
The Spiritual Directors International Guidelines for Ethical Conduct is not a legal document but rather a spiritual guide, so that it is like a soup made with hearty ingredients of wisdom. Without forcing any rules or standards, it provides spiritual directors with foundational and essential elements, and invites them to reflect on possible adaptations according to their unique social and cultural contexts.

Certains des premiers enseignements du Bouddha portent sur l’importance de l’éthique (sīla en pali). En tant que pratiquant bouddhiste, je prends ces enseignements à cœur dans ma relation avec moi-même et avec les autres, y compris ceux que je rencontre dans la direction spirituelle. Les Directives pour un comportement éthique élaborées par Directeurs Spirituels Internationaux nous aident à nouer de bonnes relations avec tous ceux à qui nous rendons service au sein de notre belle ministère.
Some of the Buddha’s earliest teachings were about the importance of ethical conduct (sīla in Pali). As a Buddhist practitioner, I take these teachings to heart in my relationship with myself and with others, including those who I meet in spiritual direction. The Guidelines for Ethical Conduct developed by Spiritual Directors International help us to be in good relationship with all who we serve in our beautiful ministry and service.