Presence and Renewal

by Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares

The practices of spiritual direction and companionship are acts of presencing, witnessing and listening at their core. Thus the name of our beloved journal.

In the beautiful cover art in this issue, you will see an intriguing rendering of presence as multi-layered, immanent, and ever expanding. It is constantly shifting, evolving, and flowing, even as it remains true to its eternal, transcendent essence. How could it be otherwise?

And so it is with our calling. We are continuously invited to reconsider our perspectives and those of the people who we companion, to be receptive and mindful in our responses when they are solicited, to be attentive to the quality of our mirroring, and to be nimble and supportive at all times. All in the service of our longing to help others (and ourselves!) achieve increasing intimacy with God and the Universe.

In this issue of Presence, you will notice a complete reconfiguration of our layout and design, on our cover, in the pages that follow, and in all of the articles, poems, book reviews, pictures and graphics that flow throughout. This work is a testament to the creativity and determination of SDI’s Creative Director, Matt Whitney, and the wonderful team that graciously supports him, most notably in this case, Cristina Mejia, who led the redesign, and Toby Becker, for making the new layout a reality. I am grateful to all three of them, and want to thank them on behalf of the SDI community for their leadership and dedication.

One of the keys to change and transformation, particularly in a community as committed to both as SDI, is to stay true to our essence even as we continuously align, and realign. So we listen deeply as an act of spiritual presence, and we do so reverentially and lovingly, allowing the multitude of manifestations of the eternal to flow with us, through us and into us, from all of those that we companion, and who companion us. And by doing so, we learn to rest in the change, and to refresh even as we remain faithful to our calling and its essence.

Every day is a new day. And as such, an invitation to open ourselves anew to endless insights and discoveries, to joys and sorrows alike, with undeterred faith and commitment, as we continue to put one foot in front of another, and walk the path of forever together. May kindness, compassion and Love continue to guide and support us all.

"Double Positive"

— Wayne Adams


This Article Appears In


Vol. 28 | No. 1 | MARCH – 2022


Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares

 is the Executive Director of SDI and an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, as well as a practicing spiritual director/companion and motivational speaker. He is a veteran of numerous interfaith and interspiritual efforts over the years, including Seeds of Compassion in Seattle in 2008, where he was one of the chairs, and as founder and executive director of the Compassionate Action Network. He has a Master’s in Theological Studies from Harvard University.


Wayne Adams

Wayne Adams is an artist based in Brooklyn, NY, with his wife, Beth and two daughters, Gretta and Frances.

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