Companionship on the Wayless Way: Meditations on Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness and Light

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In this four-part webinar, authors Jon M. Sweeney and Mark S. Burrows will guide and facilitate our community in a spiritual adventure of poetry, dialogue, and reflection on the mystical teachings of Meister Eckhart. Scroll down the page for more information.

Companioning on
the Wayless Way

Meditations on
Meister Eckhart's
Book of Darkness and Light

A four-part webinar series from SDI


Jon M. Sweeney

Mark S. Burrows


January 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2024

2PM-3:30PM PST 
5PM-6:30PM EST 


6 hours (total)


Webinar will be recorded.

“Within each of us is a divine treasure, and if we hope to
discover it, we need to go deep into the heart of who we are.”

“To find that treasure requires that we work like a wood carver
who does not work by adding but by cutting away,
removing what is rough to reveal
what shimmers from within.”

-Meister Eckhart
(as translated by Mark Burrows)

Join us on a transformative journey through the mystical teachings of Meister Eckhart in an accessible, experiential collaboration with the authors of Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness and Light – Meditations on the Path of the Wayless Way.

In this upcoming four-part webinar, authors Jon M. Sweeney and Mark S. Burrows will guide and facilitate our community in a spiritual adventure of poetry, dialogue, and reflection on the mystical teachings of Eckhart.

“What Coleman Barks has done for Rumi, Sweeney and Burrows have done for Eckhart-making his insight accessible and his wisdom sing.”

– Carl McColman
(author of The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism)

Meister Eckhart, a medieval mystic and theologian, beckons us to explore the depths of our souls, transcending conventional paths and embracing the “wayless way” of spiritual enlightenment. As colleagues, friends, and spiritual companions, Jon and Mark have woven three books on Eckhart’s teachings, translating his teachings in the form of collaborative poetry. In this way these two have companioned one another in exploring and integrating Eckhart’s teaching, and in service have made these mystical teachings accessible to us, thus inviting us into their journey with Eckhart and into a deeper contemplation.

Portrait of Meister Eckhart, 1515.
Fine Art Images / Getty Images 

About Meister Eckhart

Meister Eckhart, born around 1260 in Hochheim, Germany, as Eckhart von Hochheim. He entered the Dominican Order at a young age and eventually became a highly regarded preacher and lecturer, known for his profound and innovative ideas, and was hence referred to as “Meister” or “Master”, a moniker commonly used to address scholars and teachers in Medieval times.

Eckhart’s theological teachings were characterized by his emphasis on the direct experience of God through inner contemplation and the transcendence of religious rituals and dogma. His writings, which include sermons and treatises in both Latin and German, explored the deep union of the soul with the divine and the concept of the “Godhead beyond God.” While his ideas sometimes brought him into conflict with church authorities (he died before a Church court could issue a verdict on potential heresy), Meister Eckhart remains a significant figure in the history of Christian mysticism, revered for his profound insights into the nature of spirituality and the human relationship with the divine.

As spiritual companions, we believe that this webinar offers a unique opportunity to nourish your spirit, deepen your contemplative practice, and connect with fellow wayfarers on the journey. Join us as we unlock the treasures of Meister Eckhart’s mystical legacy and embark on a shared exploration of the boundless depths of the soul. Together, we will discover the profound relevance of Eckhart’s teachings in our lives today, forging connections that transcend time and tradition. Don’t miss this chance to bask in the wisdom of Eckhart and experience the transformative power of companionship on the Wayless Way to enlightenment.

What to Expect

This webinar series includes four weekly 90 minute sessions in January 2024 with Jon and Mark, exploring together on a rich and transformative journey into the mystical world of Meister Eckhart’s profound teachings.


The webinar series will run 4 consecutive Mondays: January 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2024 –  2 PM Seattle/Los Angeles, 4 PM Chicago, 5 PM New York, 10 PM London; Tuesdays: January 9, 16, 23, 30: 6 AM Hong Kong, 9 AM Sydney, Australia.

Find your own local time here.

This series has been scheduled to be convenient to as many people around the world as possible. With that said, if that timing doesn’t work, you can enjoy the webinar any time you like.

Each session is recorded so you can watch at your convenience.


Jon M. Sweeney

Jon M. Sweeney is an independent scholar, critic, and writer. He’s a popular interpreter of the life and work of Francis of Assisi, and author of more than 40 books. In 2023, Jon published Sit in the Sun: And Other Lessons in the Spiritual Wisdom of Cats, and Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness and Light, coauthored with Mark S. Burrows. He is the father of four and lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sweeney is codirector of The Lux Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at Sacred Heart Seminary; religion editor at Monkfish Book Publishing; editor of Living City magazine; and contributing editor for books at

Jon’s been interviewed on CBS News, WGN-TV, Fox News, and CBS Saturday Morning, and by publications online from CNN to Romper. He’s a practicing Catholic who also prays regularly with his wife, a congregational rabbi. He loves the church, the synagogue, and other aspects of organized religion.

Mark S. Burrows

Mark S. Burrows is a poet, translator, and previously professor of religion and literature at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Bochum, Germany. His poems have appeared in many places including Poetry, The Cortland Review, The Southern Quarterly, Metamorphosis, 91st Meridian, Almost Island, Image, and Spiritus. He has published two further volumes of German poetry in translation: Rainer Maria Rilke’s PRAYERS OF A YOUNG POET (pb. 2016) and a volume of poems by the German-Iranian author SAID, 99 PSALMS (2013). Burrows is Poetry Editor for Wildhouse Publications and for the journal SPIRITUS. The winner of the Wytter Bynner Prize in Poetry, he is a core faculty member in the MFA program at Seattle Pacific and co-directs the Camden Festival of Poetry in Camden, Maine, where he makes his home.

Additional Information

Meister Eckhart's Book of Darkness and Light

This book of Meister Eckhart meditations is for people seeking the “wayless way.” It is not for those looking for a simple path. These fresh, stunning renderings of Eckhart’s writings in poetic form bring life to one of the great spiritual voices of any age. They reveal what it means to love God and find meaning in darkness. Not darkness in general, but your darkness, because it is the one thing you know something about—without facing your darkness, you’ll never know what it means to desire the light. Only when you are in the darkness, Meister says, do you have even the possibility of seeing the light.

“This book is a poetic manual for spiritual life for those who are open to it.”

– Greg Richardson
(Presence review, 29.2, June 2023)


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