Follow Your Calling
Without Quitting Your Job
Mapping Your Path as a Spiritual Director / Spiritual Companion

Beth G. Raps, PhD
2 hours (total)
Webinar is recorded.
Do you want to turn up the volume on your calling?
Do you want to discover time you didn’t think you had – time that you can use to follow that calling? In this 2-hour webinar, we will combine contemplative and practical methods to map a path to making spiritual direction or spiritual companionship a bigger part of your life.
In the process, we’ll help you uncover your thoughts and feelings about time. And we’ll help you tease out how those thoughts and feelings are influencing your allocation of this precious, but renewable, resource.
During the session, you’ll gain the practical tool of the Time Transparency Template. This process is designed to make your use of time transparent to you. In that transparency, we believe, wisdom can grow — the wisdom embodied in your calling, and the wisdom to live your life in time with greater choice and freedom.
In addition, you will learn a meditative practice that invites your calling to guide you. The goal – to build your self-trust and your ability to be present to your calling on a weekly basis.
This webinar is designed for spiritual directors and spiritual companions. All those who offer spiritual care – formally or informally – are welcome. Indeed, anyone who feels drawn to learn practical steps to explore and follow their calling is invited to participate.
The webinar includes a “bio” break – away from the screen – to main balance and fresh outlook.
Participants from all spiritual traditions and orientations are welcome.
This session will be recorded so you can watch it at your convenience and use it as a resource.
Goals for Participants
- Make space inwardly so you can listen to your calling and hear it reliably
- Explore what you may do with what your calling is telling you
- Discover your feelings and thoughts about time
- Unlearn and change the ways you use time
- Sculpt time so you can weave your calling into real-life commitments
Webinar Details
Please remember that this session will be recorded, so you can enjoy the webinar at your convenience. The recording will remain accessible online for at least a year after it goes live, so participants will be able to return to it and use it as a resource.
Duration & Recording
This session will run 2 hours. For those who have trouble making this time, a recorded copy of this session will be made available to all those who sign up.
Who may join the webinar?
CEU credits are available for all those who participate. SDI will provide a certificate of completion for self-reporting to agencies. More information can be found here: continuing education units (CEUs).
Cost: $29 for non-members, with significant discounts for SDI members

Our Approach
Life learning, not book learning. Experiential, contemplative, spiritual. We want to open a gateway to understanding and connection. We’d rather companion you to an insight than impress you with a list of facts. Because most of our audience are spiritual directors and companions – including chaplains, life coaches and others who offer spiritual care -, we focus on the practical and care-giving side of the equation. Of course, since we all are spiritual beings, this webinar series can benefit anyone.
Terms of Reverence
Spiritual companions may name the deepest of truths in diverse ways. They also honor the names that others revere. Here are some of those terms of reverence: Universe, God, Lord, Allah, YHWH, Great Spirit, Higher Power, Mystery, Sunyata, Brahman, Tao, Divine, Sacred, Holy, Almighty, Ultimate, the Beyond, Intimate, Abba, Nirvana, Wisdom, Source, Vishnu, Creator, Enlightenment, Interconnection, Holy One, All.
Who We Are
SDI is an educational nonprofit, serving over 6,000 members around the world. We are committed to supporting and growing access to spiritual companionship and the deep listening, open questions and compassion our healing modality offers.

Beth G. Raps, PhD
Beth‘s calling is helping others to follow theirs, with a focus on increasing intuition and self-trust, combined with reclaiming our time, money, and focus. Realization that this was her calling came through the methodology of the marvelous. Beth began fundraising as a grassroots organizer for social justice with a coalition of faith-based and secular groups. That led to major donor consulting in Washington, DC until Beth created a multidisciplinary doctorate in how what we know empowers us (Florida State, 2001). In 2012, Beth began her consultancy RAISING CLARITY, working in fundraising, money coaching, and time-sculpting. Time-sculpting centers us in our experience of time, and naturally led her to focus on focus itself, as it subtly changes our experiences of time and money. Beth is at home with the rigors of budgeting as she is with the intuitive demands of the contemplative approach she also employs in her work and workshops.
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