Ordinary Heaven: Exploring Spiritual Direction and the Journey of Human Life

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The latest book from SDI Press is now available for pre-order, shipping in November 2024! Philip Carter’s Ordinary Heaven is a quite extraordinary work that lovingly renders a lifetime of spiritual experience and reflection, honoring this very life and the sacred ministry of spiritual direction.

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Exploring Spiritual Direction

And the Journey of Human Life

He showed me this little thing, the size of a hazelnut, on the palm of my hand, round like a ball. I looked at it thoughtfully and wondered, “What is this?” And the answer came, “It is all that is made”. I marvelled that it continued to exist and did not suddenly disintegrate; it was so small. And again my mind supplied the answer, “It exists, both now and for ever, because God loves it.

Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love

About the Book

Ordinary Heaven is a wholehearted invitation for profound reflection on the gift of spiritual direction. This book honors the wonder of being human, of becoming fully alive in the ordinariness of everyday life, and the discovery of the divine depth of eternity in the present moment. A celebration of our awakening to who we are already and the place we all come from, Philip Carter draws upon over four decades of dedicated spiritual seeking, practice, and study. Generously scaffolded by seminal works of literature from T.S. Eliot to Thomas Merton, this book not only offers insight into spiritual direction in the Christian faith, it lovingly communicates a universal, spiritual experience that heals and connects us all.

Reading Ordinary Heaven is akin to receiving spiritual direction from a wise and compassionate companion. Philip Carter offers readers of all backgrounds the space to embrace the divine woven into the fabric of our ordinary lives. For anyone seeking to deepen their calling and connection to the world and each other, discover this profound and healing experience, one that speaks universally to the sacredness of our shared humanity.


PART I: “A gifted presence to help a gifted self emerge”

PART II: “The discernment of spirits which is called for is an entrance into
an understanding of a language of God spoken within our very being”

PART III: “The self-giving of the incarnation culminates in the resurrection as
the beginning of the transformation of reality from within”

Wise, sensitive, discerning, heartfelt, deeply informative—this is the book we have been waiting for. The spiritual direction community is in good hands with this offering from Philip Carter.

Cath Connelly,
Living Well Centre Co-Director, Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader

About the Author

Philip Carter

Philip Carter is a retired Anglican priest. Ordained in 1973, he served in several parishes and in 1988 was appointed by the Archbishop of Adelaide as Diocesan Advisor in Spirituality, based at the Retreat House, Belair. In 1997, he established the ecumenical and independent spirituality ministry, the Julian Centre in Mile End, near the CBD of Adelaide. Through the centre, he offered spiritual direction, retreats and quiet days of reflection, as well as programs for the formation of spiritual directors. In 1989, he was a founding member and an early President of the Australian Network for Spiritual Direction (ANSD) and from 2007-2009 he served as the inaugural President of the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction (AECSD). He is married to Helen, with whom he has three adult daughters.

We came all this way to explore the moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.

Bill Anders, Apollo 8, 1968

My view of our planet (Earth) was a glimpse of divinity.

Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14, 1971


Philip Carter’s book is a lifetime of accumulated richness in one place. For this reason, readers will want to pause and savour the wisdom as they make their way through each chapter. In this collection, Philip brings together threads of personal knowledge and anecdotes with inspiring quotes and theology from the breadth of tradition in ways that will illumine both givers and receivers of spiritual direction. Regardless of one’s starting point—new explorer, seasoned practitioner or student in formation—Philip’s book will be a gift to unpack, return to and share with others.
Christine Gilbert
Editor of Coolamon, journal of the Australian Network for Spiritual Direction (ANSD)
Philip Carter writes in a way that awakens me to my sacredness as a human person and to the essential beauty of a calling to spiritual direction in the Christian tradition. This book is much more than many wise and practical insights for spiritual directors and those seeking spiritual companionship. It is a gift of love and an invitation to Holy encounter. Carter offers this treasure with an earthy grace, drawing on his long experience of embodying a listening presence. What a hopeful and vital offering for our times.
Dr. Rachael Litchfield
Ecumenical Spiritual Directors Association, South Australia
As all good spiritual directors do, Philip Carter invites us into the space and holds it for us, distilling the wisdom of others with that of his own to remind us of the life-changing potential of this ministry. Carter’s book is right up there with Guenther's classic "Holy Listening"— a must for all spiritual directors and directors-in-formation. Without a doubt, this book is one for the required reading list!
Sally Jones
GDSD, M. Min, Program Director, Listen into Life: Residential Program in Spiritual Direction, Chairperson of the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction
Philip Carter is passionate about spiritual direction and is one of the fathers of spiritual direction in Australia. The book is a testament to his passion and commitment to craft a theological and experiential understanding of spiritual direction. In Philip's unique style, he weaves together a lifetime of experience and reflection with pearls of wisdom from poets, mystics and spiritual writers, all with an Australian flavour. This book is a must read for those engaged on the spiritual journey.
Sue Dunbar
Director of Barnabas Ministries Inc.
By listening with wholehearted and pure attention, seeking to discern what the Spirit is offering or calling forth in the life of the directee, the spiritual director makes an act of contemplative prayer. Philip Carter's new book is a wonderfully rich and insightful exploration of how spiritual direction can be a place of transfiguration, and a place of discovering the living water of the Spirit.
Roland Ashby
Spiritual director, author, and coordinator of the World Community for Christian Meditation, Victoria
This book distills the heart of the vocation of spiritual direction in the Christian tradition - theologically deep, spiritually attuned and lovingly oriented to the transfiguration of humanity. Each paragraph, each sentence, calls to be read slowly and savoured as in lectio divina. This is a book for spiritual directors and spiritual seekers which speaks from and points to the mystery in which we are sourced, and which beckons us infinitely on. A treasure.
Sarah Bachelard
Author of Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis and Resurrection and Moral Imagination
Philip Carter’s book should be read by students commencing their formation in spiritual direction, again as they finish their training, and then kept on their bookshelf for easy access. Speaking from years of experience, Carter provides theological underpinning for the practice of spiritual direction. Using the voices of a variety of writers and drawing on his own personal experiences as a spiritual director, this accessible book outlines the what, how, and why of spiritual direction practice. Whether exploring a particular topic, such as discernment or relationality, or seeking a thorough and grounded overview of the ministry, Carter’s book will benefit seasoned spiritual directors and those in their early formation alike.
Cathie Lambert
Director, The Dayspring Community
Spiritual direction books abound, but here Philip Carter communicates a prism of possibilities, and paints vividly the synergy between poetry and spiritual direction. With the sagacity that emerges from deep experience, Carter draws on his learnings from those he has accompanied, and authors who have accompanied him, thus inviting us to venture into a full-orbed mystagogy of the ministry of spiritual direction. This is a book we have been waiting for!
Sally Longley
Author of Conversations with Silence: Rosetta Stone of the Soul

Philip writes in a way that makes this book very easy to read as it has a logical structure that flows with wonderful clarity and warmth. His style of writing embraces key concepts of spiritual direction while allowing the words to draw the reader to engage at heart level, encouraging us to dive deeper and respond to the grace of deep listening. He beautifully weaves reflections and contributions from many respected writers with both traditional and contemporary theological views and blends these with the richness of his own spiritual journey and his experience of accompanying others. The result is creative and balanced.

Phillp’s wisdom and reverence for the art of spiritual direction and its importance in our contemporary world invites an expanding vision of the spaciousness and sacredness of the spiritual direction relationship, where he affirms the holiness and sacredness of each encounter. I particularly resonated with Philip’s emphasis on the Holy Place of Transfiguration, shining light on the practice of spiritual direction, quoting his words, “The transfiguration provides an astonishingly illuminating lens through which to see both the inner dynamic and charism of spiritual direction.” When I finished reading I felt drawn in to seek and experience more. This a highly recommended and nourishing read for both beginners and those experienced in the ministry of spiritual direction.

Wayne Brabin
Ignatian Heart Spirituality Ministry


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