This webinar is also included in the bundle "Lucy Abbott Tucker Spiritual Direction Super-VisioN"

Spiritual Direction
A 12-Week Online Course with Lucy Abbott Tucker
Lucy Abbott Tucker, SDI co-founder and worldwide expert on spiritual direction supervision, has agreed to offer the SDI community a 12-week online course on supervision.
This is a chance to join one of SDI’s living wisdom teachers and dive deeper into a subject at the heart of our calling.
Lucy has taught on this subject around the world, but it’s often hard for people to pay for the travel and hotel costs to attend her workshops. Now, this online course, makes learning about supervision not only more convenient, but also more affordable.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” I might translate this is the realization that I am never a perfect spiritual director and supervision is a tool that keeps me responsible to my own growth as a spiritual director.”
Lucy Abbott Tucker, November 2021
In the 18 months since the publication of Lucy’s book Spiritual Direction Supervision: Principles, Practices, & Storytelling, new insights and wisdom have arisen from the myriad of online teachings and trainings that she has offered. These include the offering and receiving of self-care, hints to giving and receiving feedback, secondary trauma, and a new model of supervision. If you’ve done Supervision Training before, you will learn new things. If you’ve never done Supervision Training before, you will find immense growth, support, and care for your spiritual direction or spiritual companionship practice. Now, supervision training is for all spiritual directors and spiritual companions.
What to Expect
- 12 Weekly Zoom sessions with Lucy Abbott Tucker - Master Supervision Instructor and Mentor
- Access to our Online Learning Platform, with videos, print resources, and other content
- New tools to cultivate online community with your peers
- Participate Live or at your own pace - all sessions recorded
This is a recorded course and you can learn at your own pace.
Course Outline
Session 1 – Why and What of Supervision
Session 2 – Definitions and How they Function
Session 3 – The Continuum of Relationships and the Place of Supervision
Session 4 – Stages of Supervision
Session 5 – What Constitutes Effective Supervision?
Session 6 – Some Models of Supervision – Part 1
Session 7 – Transference and Counter-Transference, Secondary Trauma
Session 8 – Some Models of Supervision – Part 2
Session 9 – Models of Transformation
Session 10– Development of and Changing of “God” Images
Session 11 – Ideas and Practical Tips for Starting Peer Supervision Groups
Session 12 – Some thoughts from Maya Angleou, dialog, and Q&A session.
24 CEU credits available.

Lucy Abbott Tucker
Lucy Abbott Tucker has been a member of SDI since its inception. She began her ministry of spiritual direction at the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Chicago. She worked there preparing women and men for the ministry for 32 years. Since 2015 she has been doing freelance work in spiritual direction and supervision. She believes spiritual direction has the power to help heal our world and values the opportunity to support spiritual directors in this work.
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