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continued from previous page We play another role as well, by being in commu-
But it didn’t feel like a discovery, more like a re- nion with those who come to us, and recognizing
membrance. that we are all, in fact, not separate from one anoth-
er, but rather of the same substance. We need one
Years later, as a first-year student in college, I took another to travel on the road.
a preceptorial on World Religions, and read a book
by Walpola Rahula entitled “What The Buddha There is an old parable about desperately seek-
Taught,” which would change my life profoundly. ing the jewel of wisdom everywhere in the world,
As I read through its pages, underscoring almost travelling frantically here and there, toiling mightily
every line with my hungry pencil, I thought to my- in the process, only to discover that it was right on
self: “there it is, that’s it!” The words spoke to the our foreheads all along.
very core of my being. It was as if I were reading my
eternal self written into all of the pages. We just need to stop and be still, and remember
what a tremendous miracle we all are.
What both of these experiences had in common
was the sense that I was recalling something that Just that.
I already knew, flashes of recognition coursing
through my soul, as if I were remembering not just
my very essence, but the essence of God and The
Universe itself. -Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares
Many decades have passed since both of these
events, and now that I exercise my calling on a daily
basis, I can’t help but reflect that the core mission
of spiritual companionship is helping others simi-
larly recall their true essence, however they might Listen
perceive it.
And although it can be described as a journey of
discovery in some ways, it is more of a process of PUBLISHER: Spiritual Directors International
unveiling and revealing what has always been there. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND EDITOR:
Stripping away the layers of societal conditioning Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS
and habituation, and often of associated traumas PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Matt Whitney
and addictions, that have frequently become obsta- SUBMISSIONS: [email protected]
cles to seeing who we really are. ADVERTISING:
Listen is published four times a year. The names Spiritual Directors
As spiritual companions we are not here to impose International , SDIWorld , and SDI and its logo are trademarks of
our own spiritual discernments, of course, but Spiritual Directors International, Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions and
programs represented in this publication are of the authors and advertisers
rather to facilitate those of the people who we are and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the
honoured to walk with. We can best accomplish Coordinating Council, or the editors.
this by being faithful mirrors, allowing our interloc-
utors to see things about themselves that they don’t We WELCOME your feedback on any
usually observe. Very much akin to close friends aspect of this issue of LISTEN, or on SDI
who help us gain perspective by allowing us to
discern our own blind spots, so that we may clear as a whole. Please send your comments to
them away, and see more cleanly. [email protected]