Page 2 - 2020 April Listen - 14-2
P. 2
• Take care of ourselves, as well as others. We are other hand, is not. Consequently, beyond the flash-
compassionate to others, but we also know the es of realization our colleagues and we encounter,
importance of taking care of ourselves. we keep practicing living into our principles, with
the hope that some growing measures of wisdom
• Follow Universal Ethical Guidelines. At the very result.
least we “do no harm,” but more than that we en-
deavour to always comport ourselves in an ethical- • Intimate. We are “intimacy workers,” commit-
ly correct manner. And to admit our mistakes, and ted to getting up close with those we companion,
apologize, when we invariably make some. and with the essence of the Universe, even when
that can be very challenging. At the same time, we
Beyond the preceding, there are other qualities worth always honour healthy boundaries.
• Committed to Mutuality. Spiritual companion-
• Exploration of the Unknown. We position our- ship is a two way street. And, as with most suc-
selves in groundlessness (so as to achieve max- cessful relationships, it is most fruitful when our
imum stability), moving towards the unknown preassigned roles start to fade away and we start to
with our companions courageously and fearlessly. melt into each other. That is, when the false differ-
We acknowledge that entering the field of the ence between self and others disappears, and we
Beyond requires us to shed our preconceptions, to are swept into God’s embrace together.
be humble, welcoming, and willing to let go. We
also need to be ready to explore the shadows and • Skillful Means. We try to recognize where people
sufferings that feed our collective spiritual growth. are at, with understanding and compassion, and
meet them there without judgement. That means
• Experiential, Reverential. Understanding that our having enough tools in our arsenal to engage in
conceptual framings, as valuable as they may be, multiple modalities, as appropriate. And it also
are in the end no substitute for a direct experience signifies recognizing when we have reached our
of God or the Universe. So we marry our intellects own limits, and being able and willing to refer
to our intuitions, and encourage those who we those who come to us to others as circumstances
walk alongside to find their own balance between warrant.
the two.
There are of course many other facets and attributes
• Mature and Committed to Growing Maturity. to spiritual companions and directors. We would love
Spiritual insight and revelations are critically to hear your take! Please do send it along to listen@
important steps along the way, but, with some
effort, are accessible to just about anyone. Spiritual
maturity (or any kind of maturity really), on the Wishing you all much peace, serenity, and alignment
during these trying times.
With love,
Rev. Seifu