Page 8 - 2020 April Listen - 14-2
P. 8


         Someone who had been friendly                         in life

         seemed to turn unfriendly                             but meeting each experience,

         recently                                              pleasant or unpleasant,

         An old habit of subtle shame                          with an open heart

         and finding fault with oneself                        allows enough space
         bubbled up to the surface                             for all sensations and feelings

         After a while                                         to be gently held

         and over the days to come                             just as they are
         these feelings released a bit                         in an open palm

         allowing a new sensation                              with no need to change

         of tenderness to arrive                               anything

         both for self and other

         So much is unknown                                   John Pollard, is a spiritual director and psychotherapist in
                                                              Toronto, Ontario, Canada. John previously served as a member of
                                                              the SDI Coordinating Council.

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