Page 2 - 2021 July Listen - 15-3
P. 2


        As I reflect on this a few decades later, I’m           So, all of us keep working together, listening
        struck by “Love as the ultimate purpose.” That’s        to the whispers and voices of the Beyond, and
        certainly something to align with, and to live          responding to their call by weaving our baskets
        into!                                                   of care and tenderness one strand at a time.

        And it’s really what all of us directors and
        companions do every day: work with others as
        they struggle to express and unfurl their own
        spiritual journeys, with the hope that they                                Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares
        resolve into Love, for them and for us.                                    Executive Director, SDI

        And as they wrestle with their dark nights of the
        soul, they echo our own, in the same way that
        their own doubts and uncertainties illuminate
        and help dissipate ours.

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