Page 2 - 2021 October Listen - 15-4
P. 2
Sadly, it usually takes some tragedy to wake us world, as well as everything at the edge of our ever
up from our stupors, to open our eyes, and make expanding awareness.
us realize what we have, or what we had. In the
meantime, we take things for granted. So, are we not beings far beyond ourselves? Are we
not walking miracles?
So it is often the case that we don’t appreciate
someone until they are no longer with us. And Nice words, some might counter, but how can we
only then do all of our criticisms of them melt access this insight so that it becomes more than a
away into an awareness of the beauty of spirit they rhetorical slight of hand, or clever word play?
embodied. At other times, we might realize just
how miraculous good health is, but not without That’s where contemplation and spiritual
getting deeply sick first. Or realize the value of a companionship enter.
limb, and cherish how useful, and astonishing it was,
but not without losing it first. Most importantly, The first, because if we root ourselves daily in a
it regularly takes calamities for us to acknowledge contemplative practice that best suits us, whatever
how trivial and inconsequential most of our daily it might be, we are sure to be able to tap into the
concerns are. wellspring, one far beyond our temporary bodies,
and into the Essence of all that was, is, and will be,
It is only then that we realize how we have boxed within us and without us, as a sage once said.
ourselves in, or allowed others to limit us. And
that’s when we surface our subterranean longings, And it is also what spiritual directors, companions,
and our desire for freedom and liberation arises, and guides are constantly pointing to.
loudly calling us and demanding attention.
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our
Why not take an easier road? little life is rounded with a sleep,” our spiritual
sisters and brothers might say to us, quoting The
Life is a series of miraculous moments, every one of Bard.
them rich beyond measure with insight, inspiration
and innovation, but that awareness comes solely But beyond even that, by acting as faithful mirrors,
by making ourselves receptive. It is then that we and helping reveal the space from which we
discover that “normal” really means the opposite of can emerge into our growing awareness, they
what we commonly believe it to be. That is, that help support and encourage us on our spiritual
far from pedestrian and mundane, we are truly discernments right now. So that we might not
extraordinary beings, endowed with supernatural have to wait until we are on our death bed, or at the
abilities, of intellect, discernment, delight, sound, edge of tragedy, loss and suffering, to realize what
smell and taste, music, dancing, and so many other wondrous beings we already are.
skills that we might never stop living into them.
And with that finally acknowledge
And that’s just the beginning, because beyond any that we already walk miraculously
of these capacities, our most singular one is the among the stars, both now, and
power to Love. And not just the sweet and tender always.
love that we feel for our partners, children, friends,
or other cherished sentient beings, but the Love Rev. SeiFu
that pervades the entire Universe. A Love that
encompasses everything that we see, and those
things that we don’t see; that bridges all in our