Page 2 - 2021 January Listen - 16-1
P. 2
Those spiritual shadows, then, even as they And unlike most companions, and the things of
usher in the often necessary dark night of our this world, they never leave us, because we are
souls, are also the ultimate harbingers of light. them, beyond our arising. Our growing maturity,
At the bottom of a well of darkness, they light up in fact, is a resolution into their essence, and a
the top of the universe. If we let them, they can recognition that we are never separate. From
profoundly and astutely guide us through our them. Or anything. So much so that when we are
discomfort and pain, helping us work through gone, we are still truly here.
our losses and fears, and towards Love and
Compassion. Into the bosom of however we might Our shadow remains forever. And it walks in our
conceive our transcendent immanence. footsteps effortlessly and constantly. Why not
embrace it? And move forward in its company
The shadow is thus like compost to our spiritual with courage, determination, understanding and
flowering. It shows us what to process, and keeps Love?
pointing to what needs tending over and over
again, as we slowly discern our way through
heartbreak to growing insight and maturity.
And as our healing takes root, our shadows
turn into fertilizers for our spiritual journey and
Rev. SeiFu
Like able spiritual companions, they mirror our
progress, and continue to act as sentinels to our
souls, always on the lookout for our relapses, and
directing us to be honest on our paths.