Page 1 - July 2022 Listen 16-3
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                          FOR                            Listen
                   DIRECTORS &

                          JULY 2022  VOLUME 16  ISSUE 3

                     CONTEMPLATION AND


                                by Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares

        Whether it’s prayer, meditation, dancing,              we start to see the shore, and our views begin
        singing or another form, contemplation is              to extend from yards and meters to miles and
        central to our calling as spiritual directors          kilometers.  At the same time, people and
        and companions.  Contemplative immersion               things that were readily apparent on the shore
        soaks us in the beyond, saturating us with             begin to fade into specks, and then disappear
        the infinite, the very process we try to invite        altogether.  In short, our perspective shifts
        and manifest in our practice as spiritual              dramatically, expanding and contracting at the
        companions.  And although it is ineffable and          same time.  We see more of the larger picture,
        beyond description in its essence, it certainly        and less particulars, allowing us insights as
        lends itself to the poetry of language, which          we continue both outward and inward swims
        provides tantalizing invitations for us, and the       simultaneously.
        people we companion.  Of course, mystics have
        also demonstrated it in various other ways over  But the dramatically enhanced perspective
        thousands of years.                                    doesn’t end there, because as we turn to the
                                                               other side, most often what we will soak
        Any of us coming out of deep contemplative             in is the blue sky and the blue sea or ocean,
        retreats have had cause to reflect on this in          vast, and seemingly infinite.  And we will feel
        (and at) some depth.                                   like solitary, miniscule specks in the face of
        Contemplative practice is like going for a
        swim in many respects.  As we splash through           Just as we are!
        the shallow end of the beach, we jump in
        and immerse ourselves, before proceeding               The relevance of these deep contemplative
        to swim out a bit.  What characterizes us              incursions (and excursions at the same time)
        spiritual companions is that we tend to swim           to our practice as spiritual companions is
        farther and farther out. And as we do, when            significant.
        we look back at the shore, things that weren’t
        immediately apparent start to come into                Like the deep water swimmers that we are,
        view: houses, trees, mountain ranges, and the          we gain perspective on our lives, and their
        like.  Instead of seeing just the beach itself,        comparative importance (or perhaps better

                                                                                              continued on next page

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