Page 2 - October 2022 Listen 16-4
P. 2
We are not “co-“
or “inter-“ anything,
but rather so tightly bound
as to be inseparable. There is no
“me” and “thee” here, there is no “other.” And
we have no choice in the matter, regardless of
what we may choose to think or believe.
Radical companionship is primordial and Whitney’s beautifully evocative illustration
eternal, in that it recognizes that we are never invokes.
separate from one another, but forever bound,
and inextricably entwined. It is even beyond Our relationship is truly “radical” because
such catchy concepts as “interdependent,” and our communion will stop at nothing until we
reflects a closeness with God and the Universe remember that we are spiritually authentic only
beyond simple transactions and interactions. beyond ourselves. As we literally disappear
So much so that we are not “co-“ or “inter-“ and manifest into the essence of God and the
anything, but rather so tightly bound as to be Universe. An essence that does not dissipate,
inseparable. There is no “me” and “thee” here, that does not waver, and that does not break
there is no “other.” And we have no choice in or fragment, but always remains incorruptible,
the matter, regardless of what we may choose beyond life and death itself.
to think or believe.
In it, perspective, insight and wisdom
We can’t help being one. We just are. reside, and not the stuff of fairytales, but the
transcendent impermanent, and the unbound
So, the challenge is the recognition, or more wholeness of the Eternal.
precisely the “remembering” of true radical
intimacy. An intimacy even beyond itself. Then, in a flash, divine intimacy. The mystic
Which reveals a companionship beyond journey. Our lives flash before our eyes in an
our ability to describe it with these blunt instant, and not just ours, but everyone’s. So
instruments we call words. And while we can that we can truly swallow stars, and imbibe the
certainly intellectualize it, as I am doing right entire Universe.
now, it really is remembered only through
experience and faith. And reborn of profound, That is true commitment. That
contemplative ungrounding. is radical. And that it what
spiritual companionship really
When companion and companioned look entails.
into each other, we recognize mirror images,
and those images snap back together, as Matt Rev. SeiFu