Page 4 - Guidelines for Ethical Conduct
P. 4

Guidelines for Ethical Conduct

       Ethical conduct flows from lived reverence
       for all of Life, self, and others but is not
       inevitably the reality of every spiritual direc-
       tion relationship. Therefore, these guidelines
       are meant to inspire members of Spiritual
       Directors International toward integrity,
       responsibility, and faithfulness in their minis-
       try and service of spiritual direction.
       I. The Spiritual Director and the Self
       Personal Spirituality
       1. Spiritual directors assume responsibility
          for personal growth by:
          a. participating in regular spiritual
             direction; and
          b. following personal and communal
             spiritual practices and disciplines.
       2. Spiritual directors engage in ongoing
          formation and continuing education by:
          a. continuing to discern their call to
             the ministry and service of spiritual

          b. nurturing self-knowledge and freedom;
          c. cultivating insight into the
             influences of culture, social-
             historical context, environmental
             setting, and institutions; and

          d. studying sacred texts, theology,
             spirituality, psychology, and other
             disciplines related to spiritual

             Guidelines for Ethical Conduct © 2018
              by Spiritual Directors International

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