Page 6 - Guidelines for Ethical Conduct
P. 6

II.  The Spiritual Director
          and the Spiritual Directee
       1. Spiritual directors initiate conversation
          and establish understandings with spiri-
          tual directees about:
          a. the nature of spiritual direction;
          b. the roles and responsibilities of the
             spiritual director and the spiritual
          c. the length and frequency of
             spiritual direction sessions;
          d. the compensation, if any, to be given to
             the spiritual director or institution; and
          e. the process for evaluating and
             terminating the relationship.

       2. Spiritual directors honor the dignity of
          the spiritual directee by:
          a. respecting the spiritual directee’s
             values, culture, conscience,
             spirituality, and theology;
          b. inquiring into the motives, experiences,
             or relationships of the spiritual directee
             only as necessary;
          c. recognizing the imbalance of power in
             the spiritual direction relationship and
             taking care not to exploit it;
          d. establishing and maintaining appropri-
             ate physical and psychological bound-
             aries with the spiritual directee; and

          e. refraining from sexualized
             behavior, including, but not

             Guidelines for Ethical Conduct © 2018
              by Spiritual Directors International

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