Page 2 - 31-3 Connections August 2022
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         The goal is to support others as they find their own  And may you all find a companion to listen with you
         path to wholeness. As they learn.                     as you find your way.

         I believe the key to such life learning is contemplative  Love to you all,
         practice within a companionship model. Some folks  Steven
         think of the lone monk isolating for long periods
         when they think of prayer or meditation. This  PS. Please share this with at least one person you
         ironically fits the modern American tendency for  know. (You can download this issue as a PDF and
         do-it-yourself solutions. And contemplation of any  email it!)
         kind is good. But it misses the community piece –
         which brings the wisdom and love of contemplative  Below is some background if you, - or they -  would
         practice into our connections with other humans  like to learn more:
         and all other beings.
                                                               Here is the SDI website:
         I  believe  that  the approach and  skills  of  deep
         listening can transform all relationships. What
         if each person we meet offered us a chance to  Here is our Find a Spiritual Director or Compan-
         give and receive hospitality? In real-time. In every  ion Guide. It’s a way anyone can find a spiritual
         moment. What if we could all listen each other into  companion that might fit their interests – and it’s
         self-discovery? What would that mean for families,  free:
         neighborhoods, communities, nations?                  al-director-companion/

         This is an aspiration, of course. But it is also a  Note:  Connections is an SDI member benefit
         “concrete” tool for ordinary folks who feel isolated  publication, however we felt that the specific
         and depleted – not just by the pandemic – but by  content of this issue should be shared with a broader
         their day-to-day existence. How might they bring  audience, thus we are offering it to everyone for
         joy, rapture, insight, fulfillment, meaning into their  free!

         Finding a daily practice that fits their faith – or their                 Steven  Crandell  served for
         spiritual fluidity or their spiritual independence – is                   5 years as  SDI’s Director
         key. But equally important is finding someone that                        of  Content,  guiding  SDI’s
         can walk beside them – someone who can accept                             storytelling and growing our
         them as they are and also gently challenge them to                        community — on our website,
         listen to their deepest truths.                                           our  blog, social media, in  our
                                                                                   webinars and by supporting
         In the rush of life that envelops most people these                       our SDI Communities program.
         days, spiritual directors and spiritual companions                        He sees spiritual companions
         are door-openers to the deepest wisdom of all –       as the catalyst in an ongoing “contemplative
         that which people hold in their hearts already, that   revolution.” His unofficial job title was “Director of
         which they can discover for themselves.               Encouragement.”

         Blessings to all those who read these words.

         May you grant yourselves permission to make
         learning your calling.

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