Page 2 - 2020 January Listen - 14-1 FINAL
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       continued from previous page
                                                                us, always and forever.
       The Buddha was a child of great privilege, and his
       father went to significant lengths to protect him from   When we find the middle ground, with the help of our
       seeing the suffering of the world.  Slipping out of the   spiritual companions when we need them, or by help-
       palace walls, he saw death, poverty and misery first     ing others find that space when they need it, we can
       hand.  Which led him to flee the palace and to immerse   remember our Ultimate Belonging in every molecule of
       himself in the most arduous and challenging ascetic      an expanding, infinite Universe.
       practices he could identify.
                                                                May we find ourselves steeped in between: quietly, se-
       His “enlightenment” resulted when he saw that the        renely, and with humility, insight and understanding.
       most stable, balanced way forward was to avoid in-
       dulging extremes, and to hew to a “Middle Way.”          “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God,
                                                                “who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the
       And this Golden Mean, or Middle Way, finds equal         Almighty One” (Revelation 1:8).
       expression in the Quran, with Muhammed (pbuh)
                اهطسوأ روملأا يرخ
       stating “                        ”, meaning the best choice is the   “Never was there a time when I did
       middle one.                                              not exist, nor you…nor in the future
                                                                shall any of us cease to be”
       These are but a few examples, as Judaism (with Mai-      (Bhagavad Gita 2.12)
       monides, for instance), Confucianism, Indigenous spir-
       itualities of various sorts, and many others across the
       board, speak similarly of the need to ground ourselves
       away from polarities.                                          Reverend Seifu Anil Singh-Molares

       In this context, trained spiritual companions and
       directors know that our biggest struggles are associ-     Listen
       ated with what many perceive as the ultimate dichot-
       omy, namely Life and Death.  So, our births are usually
       cause for great celebration, hope for the future, and the   PUBLISHER: Spiritual Directors International
       promise of things to come.  And our deaths are mourn-
       ed, and often met with cries of sadness, loss, sorrow,   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND EDITOR:
       longing and regret.                                      Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS
                                                                PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Matt Whitney
       But as we persist with our spiritual paths, our com-     SUBMISSIONS: [email protected]
       panions listen us deeper and closer to the heart of the   ADVERTISING: [email protected]
       matter, far beyond opposites and dualities.  We don’t    Listen is published four times a year. The names Spiritual Directors
       deny the latter, as the denials would be extreme them-   International , SDIWorld , and SDI  and its logo are trademarks of
                                                                Spiritual Directors International, Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions and
       selves, but as we navigate our moments of despairing     programs represented in this publication are of the authors and advertisers
       sorrow on the one end, and those of joyful ecstasies on   and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the
                                                                Coordinating Council, or the editors.
       the other, we may find that true peace of mind lies in
       the middle spaces.  Those where we are truly one with    We  WELCOME your feedback on any
       each other, and where we remember that our essence is
       beyond yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.                 aspect  of this  issue  of  LISTEN,  or  on SDI
                                                                as a whole. Please send your  comments to
       The entire universe is contained within us, and every
       particle of God, the Universe, beyond the beyond, or              [email protected]
       however we might refer to the ground of all being, is

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