Page 5 - 2020 January Listen - 14-1 FINAL
P. 5


         I am utterly insignificant, and yet infinitely        To be alive is infinite ecstasy; to be alive is

         valuable                                              deep melancholy

         My work and efforts are meaningless, and yet          Time as we experience it is not real, but a per-

         how we spend our lives matters. We must be            sistent threat is stolen time and attention by

         compelled to respond to ‘that of God in every-        trivialities

         one’                                                  The world’s darkness is not separate from me,

         Individual choice matters, and yet nothing we  I, too, contain worlds of tilted possibility to

         accomplish in life is the result of our individu-     good or evil

         al efforts                                            Values are true, in so far as they are embodied

         No success, or perceived success, can be               Separation and otherness is a human illusion,

         claimed by me alone; however, my failures are         our life’s work is to bring all living beings into

         my responsibility alone                               kinship with one another

                                                                        Denise Hearn is the co-author of The Myth of Capitalism.

                                                                 Sacred Spaces of Ireland Tour
                                                                 May 27- June 7, 2020; Explore Christian
                                                                 Celtic monasteries &pre-Christian sites
                                                                 with an Irish-born spiritual director.

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